A simple GCSE maths quiz built with React using Typescript
- Contains the pool of all GCSE maths questions used in the quiz as an array of objects
- Each question is an object with the question text, 4 multiple choice options and one correct answer
- To add more questions, simply add an object to the end of the array with the same format
: Displays a single question with multiple choice optionsCelebratoryGraphic.tsx
: Displays a celebratory graphic if the user gets all questions correct
- Main component that sets up the quiz
- Randomly selects a specified number of questions from the question pool (alter numQuestions for more/less questions)
- Handles the state of the quiz (current question index, user's answers, submission etc.)
- Displays the questions and the celebratory graphic if the user gets 100%
- CSS styles for buttons, containers and other elements
- TypeScript
- react
- react-confetti
Clone the repository in your terminal:
- git clone https://github.com/guyneh/maths-test.git
Navigate to the project directory:
- cd maths-test
Install dependencies:
- npm install
Start development server:
- npm start
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view the app