Open the .xcodeproj file by double clicking it in Finder or via the command-line
open ArtAtGVSU.xcodeproj
Navigate to the Project Manager and click the "Signing & Capabilities" tab
On the "Signing & Capabilities" tab, Enter the Team account info for the project. You'll need to get these credentials from a current team member.
Hit Command+R and run the app using an iPhone or a simulator.
Run the following command before adding a new commit
make bootstrap
This will install several Git commit hooks via pre-commit to ensure the Xcode project file is sorted among other code quality checks.
Testflight builds will automatically on new commits to the main branch.
App Store releases are handled by the GitHub Action called "Deploy Production."
Before creating a new release, update the fastlane/metadata/en-US/release_notes.txt file with a description of the important changes made since the last release.
The app structure is comprised mostly of the ArtAtGVSU
directory. This contains app models and SwiftUI views.
model depends on the ArtGalleryClient
which is responsible for HTTP requests to the Art Gallery's Collective Access API instance.
flowchart TB
Models --> ArtAtGVSU
Views --> ArtAtGVSU
ArtAtGVSU --> ArtGalleryClient
ArtGalleryClient --> API
API[(Collective Access)]