We're glad to see you here. The following is the description of a small coding excercise through which we hope to get a better and objective understanding of your Angular skills.
Please clone this repository, set up a basic Angular application and code a small address book app which offers the following functionality (ordered by priority):
- Address creation (id, first name, last name, street, street number, post code, city)
- Address deletion
- Adress overview
- Address edit
If you can manage you can also implement the following. Think about how switching users might affect the address book data - a user should only see his own data.
- User login (email, password)
- User logout
Once you are done please commit and push your repository and send us a link to it on the same channel through which we provided you with the link to this repository.
- use at least one UI component framework of your choice, for example Material UI, PrimeNG, NG Bootstrap
- show at least one pop-up
- try to persist data between reloads (e.g. local storage)
- the code should compile without errors
- the app should not rely on external solutions (e.g. a backend)
- clean code that adhears to Angular best practices
- highly sophisticated, production ready code - you may keep it simple
You may contact us at any time asking for input and/or help. We can also sit down together and talk about the task and how certain problems could be solved. So don't hold back if questions pop up.
Happy coding :-)