This is a demo of how Backstage can be used to visualize distributed system architecture.
This demo is using a static file configuration distributed across multiple repositories.
cd backstage-gw
corepack enable
yarn set version 4.4.1
yarn install
this gives use yarn 4.4 support and we can use .env.yarn
and then you can do
yarn dev
in main folder
nvm use 20.18.1
npm install concurrently
npm install isolated-vm --no-node-snapshot
corepack enable
yarn set version 4.4.1
# for windows
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser
npx @backstage/create-app@latest
name your app for example backstage-demo
new folder will be created named backstage-demo
Create a PAT to your repository - in my case AzureDevops Repos
In backstage-demo
create file
# for windows
New-Item .env.yarn -type file
inside add
AZDO_PAT: blablabla-your-pat-here-blablabla
In backstage app app-config.yml
add section
- host:
- organizations:
- your-org-name
personalAccessToken: ${AZDO_PAT}
In terminal navigate to backstage-demo
folder and run:
yarn dev