The source code implemented to run the experiments shown in the article is organized as follows:
- concept_drift_detector : it contains the concept drift detectors that are not present in the scikit-multiflow
- Adwin
- dataset : it contains the datasets used in the experimental evaluation
- spam
- usent
- usenet1
- usenet2
- elist (not included) available here
- evaluation : it contains the code of the k-fold distributed cross validation with the prequential evaluation mode
- models : it contains the models developed and used in the experimental evaluation
- DriftDetectionMethodClassifier
- K-Adwin classifier
- KalmanNB classifier
- rewritten_code : it contains some python files from the scikit-multiflow library that have been adjusted in order to include KalmanNB at the leaves of the tree-based classifier
- testing : it contains the tests run for the experimental evaluation
- kalmannb: it contains the tests with synthetic and real datasets for kalmannb
- tree: it contains the tests with artificial and real datasets for tree-based models
If KalmanNB
and HoeffdingKalmanTree
have been useful for your research and you would like to cite them in a academic publication, please use the following Bibtex entry:
author={Ziffer, Giacomo and Bernardo, Alessio and Valle, Emanuele Della and Bifet, Albert},
booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)},
title={Kalman Filtering for Learning with Evolving Data Streams},