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gzygmanski edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 3 revisions



Basic movement:

Page/Move up:                 j, n, Space
Page/Move down:               k, p
Next chapter:                 l, N
Previous chapter:             h, P
Beginning of chapter:         g, 0
End of chapter:               G, $
Select:                       o, Enter
Escape module:                Esc, BackSpace
Quit:                         q

Toggle modes:

Dark mode:                    r
Speed reading mode:           s
Highlight speech:             v
Double page:                  d
Justify text:                 f
Hyphenation:                  e

Open modules:

Table of contents:            t, Tab
Bookmark page:                b
Help page:                    ?, F1

Page manipulation:

Increase vertical padding:    >
Decrease vertical padding:    <
Increase horizontal padding:  .
Decrease horizontal padding:  ,

PE - Perception Expander [speed reading mode]

Increase line position:       ]
Decrease line position:       [



Save quickmark:               m, then [1-9]
Open quickmark:               [1-9]
Clear quickmark:              c, then [1-9] or a


Create bookmark:              B, M
In bookmark module:
- remove bookmark:            x
- open description:           d, l
- edit description:           e