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Working implementation with multiple contrast output. Need to test wh…
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…ether batch system works as expected. Note that input images are no longer denoising method specific.
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ledwards committed Jun 16, 2024
1 parent 5fa808e commit 0ac7eb5
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Showing 4 changed files with 73 additions and 74 deletions.
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions hmri_denoising.m
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@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
function varargout = hmri_denoising(job)
function varargout = hmri_denoising(jobsubj)

% retrieve effective acquisition & processing parameters
jobsubj = job.subj;
denoisedout = get_denoising_params(jobsubj);
denoising_params = get_denoising_params(jobsubj);
protocolfield = fieldnames(jobsubj.denoisingtype);
denoising_protocol = protocolfield{1};

% execute the chosen denoising method and define output
switch denoising_protocol
case 'lcpca_denoise'
[output_mag, output_phase] = hmri_calc_lcpcadenoise(denoisedout);
[output_mag, output_phase] = hmri_calc_lcpcadenoise(denoising_params);
varargout{1} = output_mag;
varargout{2} = output_phase;
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[v,r] = spm('Ver');
denoising_params.SPMver = sprintf('%s (%s)', v, r);

% Load input data
denoising_params.mag_img = cellstr(char(spm_file(jobsubj.mag_img,'number','')));
denoising_params.phase_img = cellstr(char(spm_file(jobsubj.phase_img,'number','')));
denoising_params.phase_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, denoising_params.phase_img));
denoising_params.mag_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, denoising_params.mag_img));

% processing can continue if only magnitude images were entered but
% only warn that optional phase img are missing
if ~denoising_params.phase_bool || ~isfield(jobsubj,'phase_img')
hmri_log('Warning: No (optional) phase images were entered, denoising will continue with only magnitude images', denoising_params.defflags);

% Denoising method-specific parameters
% Load all the batch entered and possibly user-modified parameters
switch denoising_protocol
case 'lcpca_denoise'
denoising_params.mag_img = cellstr(char(spm_file(jobsubj.denoisingtype.(denoising_protocol).mag_img,'number','')));
denoising_params.phase_img = cellstr(char(spm_file(jobsubj.denoisingtype.(denoising_protocol).phase_img,'number','')));
denoising_params.phase_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, denoising_params.phase_img));
denoising_params.mag_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, denoising_params.mag_img));

% processing can continue if only magnitude images were entered but
% only warn that optional phase img are missing
if ~denoising_params.phase_bool || ~isfield(jobsubj.denoisingtype.(denoising_protocol),'phase_img')
hmri_log('Warning: No (optional) phase images were entered, Lcpca-denoising continues with only magnitude images', denoising_params.defflags);

dnstruct = jobsubj.denoisingtype.lcpca_denoise;
denoising_params.ngbsize = dnstruct.ngbsize;
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77 changes: 34 additions & 43 deletions hmri_run_denoising.m
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function out = hmri_denoising_local(job)
function out = hmri_denoising_local(jobsubj)

% Get denoising protocol
% concatenate all contrasts into jobsubj.mag_img and phase_img
contrasts = {'pdw','t1w','mtw'};
jobsubj.mag_img = {};
jobsubj.phase_img = {};
for c = 1:length(contrasts)
con = contrasts{c};
jobsubj.mag_img = [jobsubj.mag_img; jobsubj.(con).mag_img];
jobsubj.phase_img = [jobsubj.phase_img; jobsubj.(con).phase_img];

% Case indir versus outdir
outpath = job.subj.output.outdir{1}; % case outdir
outpath = jobsubj.output.outdir{1}; % case outdir
if ~exist(outpath,'dir'); mkdir(outpath); end
Pin = char(job.subj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).mag_input);
Pin = char(jobsubj.mag_img);
outpath = fileparts(Pin(1,:)); % case indir

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supplpath = fullfile(outpath, 'Results', 'Supplementary');
if ~exist(supplpath,'dir'); mkdir(supplpath); end

% save all these paths in the job.subj structure
job.subj.path.dnrespath = respath;
job.subj.path.respath = respath;
job.subj.path.supplpath = supplpath;
% save all these paths in the jobsubj structure
jobsubj.path.dnrespath = respath;
jobsubj.path.respath = respath;
jobsubj.path.supplpath = supplpath;

% save log file location
job.subj.log.logfile = fullfile(supplpath, 'hMRI_denoising_logfile.log');
job.subj.log.flags = struct('LogFile',struct('Enabled',true,'FileName','hMRI_denoising_logfile.log','LogDir',supplpath), ...
flags = job.subj.log.flags;
jobsubj.log.logfile = fullfile(supplpath, 'hMRI_denoising_logfile.log');
jobsubj.log.flags = struct('LogFile',struct('Enabled',true,'FileName','hMRI_denoising_logfile.log','LogDir',supplpath), ...
flags = jobsubj.log.flags;
flags.PopUp = false;
hmri_log(sprintf('\t============ DENOISING MODULE - %s.m (%s) ============', mfilename, datetime('now')),flags);

if newrespath
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: existing results from previous run(s) were found, \n' ...
'the output directory has been modified. It is now:\n%s\n'],outpath),job.subj.log.flags);
'the output directory has been modified. It is now:\n%s\n'],outpath),jobsubj.log.flags);
hmri_log(sprintf('INFO: the output directory is:\n%s\n',outpath),flags);

% check basic requirements and error if basic requirements fail
check_params.mag_input = cellstr(char(spm_file(job.subj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).mag_input,'number','')));
check_params.phase_input = cellstr(char(spm_file(job.subj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).phase_input,'number','')));
check_params.phase_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, check_params.phase_input));
check_params.mag_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, check_params.mag_input));
check_params.mag_img = cellstr(char(spm_file(jobsubj.mag_img,'number','')));
check_params.mag_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, check_params.mag_img));
check_params.phase_img = cellstr(char(spm_file(jobsubj.phase_img,'number','')));
check_params.phase_bool = any(~cellfun(@isempty, check_params.phase_img));

% Issue an error and abort in cases of non-existent magnitude image data and
% non-equal number of non-empty phase and magnitude images
if ~check_params.mag_bool || ~isfield(job.subj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}),'mag_input')
if ~check_params.mag_bool || ~isfield(jobsubj,'mag_img')
msg = 'No magnitude images were entered, aborting! Please check your input data and try again!';
hmri_log(msg, flags);

if check_params.phase_bool && (length(check_params.mag_input) ~= length(check_params.phase_input))
if check_params.phase_bool && (length(check_params.mag_img) ~= length(check_params.phase_img))
msg = 'The number of phase and magnitude images are different, please check your input data and try again!';
hmri_log(msg, flags);
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% save SPM version (slight differences may appear in the results depending
% on the SPM version!)
[v,r] = spm('Ver');
job.SPMver = sprintf('%s (%s)', v, r);
jobsubj.SPMver = sprintf('%s (%s)', v, r);

% save original job to supplementary directory

% run the denoising and collect the results
hmri_log(sprintf('\t============ %s - %s.m (%s) ============',"APPLYING DENOISING", mfilename, datetime('now')),flags);

% concatenate all contrasts into jobsubj.denoisingtype.(denoising_protocol).mag_img and phase_img
contrasts = {'mtw','pdw','t1w'};
jobsubj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).mag_img = {};
jobsubj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).phase_img = {};
for c = 1:length(contrasts)
con = contrasts{c};

jobsubj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).mag_img =

jobsubj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).phase_img =

% run the denoising
[output_mag, output_phase] = hmri_denoising(job);
[output_mag, output_phase] = hmri_denoising(jobsubj);

% assign output dependencies to denoised output images of separate contrasts
iMag = 1;
iPhase = 1;
for c = 1:length(contrasts)
con = contrasts{c};

nMag = length(jobsubj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).(con).mag_img);
nMag = length(jobsubj.(con).mag_img);
idxstr = ['DenoisedMagnitude' con];
out.subj.(idxstr) = output_mag(iMag:iMag+nMag);
out.(idxstr) = output_mag(iMag:iMag+nMag-1);
iMag = iMag + nMag;

nPhase = length(jobsubj.denoisingtype.(dntype{1}).(con).phase_img);
nPhase = length(jobsubj.(con).phase_img);
idxstr = ['DenoisedPhase' con];
out.subj.(idxstr) = output_phase(iPhase:iPhase+nPhase);
out.(idxstr) = output_phase(iPhase:iPhase+nPhase-1);
iPhase = iPhase + nPhase;

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions tbx_cfg_hmri.m
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% Bogdan Draganski & Ferath Kherif, 2011
% ======================================================================

if ~isdeployed,
if ~isdeployed
hMRIpath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
addpath(fullfile(hMRIpath, 'config'));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,6 @@
'and will include a number of (as yet unspecified) extensions in ',...
'future updates. Please report any bugs or problems to [email protected].']
hmri.values = {tbx_scfg_hmri_config tbx_scfg_hmri_dicom_import tbx_scfg_hmri_autoreorient tbx_scfg_hmri_imperf_spoil tbx_scfg_hmri_B1_create tbx_scfg_hmri_create tbx_scfg_hmri_quality tbx_scfg_hmri_proc tbx_scfg_hmri_QUIQI tbx_scfg_hmri_denoising};
hmri.values = {tbx_scfg_hmri_config tbx_scfg_hmri_dicom_import tbx_scfg_hmri_denoising tbx_scfg_hmri_autoreorient tbx_scfg_hmri_imperf_spoil tbx_scfg_hmri_B1_create tbx_scfg_hmri_create tbx_scfg_hmri_quality tbx_scfg_hmri_proc tbx_scfg_hmri_QUIQI};

37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions tbx_scfg_hmri_denoising.m
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Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ = {'Select the (required) magnitude images to be denoised'};
mag_img.filter = 'image';
mag_img.ufilter = '.*';
mag_img.num = [1 Inf];
mag_img.num = [0 Inf];
mag_img.val = {''};

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Phase input images
Expand All @@ -99,22 +100,28 @@
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
mtw = cfg_branch;
mtw.tag = 'mtw'; = 'MTw input'; = 'MTw input (optional)'; = {'Input Magnitude/Phase images from MTw data'};
mtw.val = {mag_img phase_img};

pdw = cfg_branch;
pdw.tag = 't1w'; = 'T1w input'; = {'Input Magnitude/Phase images from PDw data'};
pdw.val = {mag_img phase_img};

t1w = cfg_branch;
t1w.tag = 'pdw'; = 'PDw input';
t1w.tag = 't1w'; = 'T1w input (optional)'; = {'Input Magnitude/Phase images from T1w data'};
t1w.val = {mag_img phase_img};

% PDw is required input
pdw_mag_img = mag_img;
pdw_mag_img.num = [1 Inf];
pdw_mag_img.val = {};

pdw = cfg_branch;
pdw.tag = 'pdw'; = 'PDw input'; = {'Input Magnitude/Phase images from PDw data', ...
'If you only have one kind of weighting, please put them here.'};
pdw.val = {pdw_mag_img phase_img};

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Standard deviation parameter
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +159,7 @@ = {'Input Magnitude/Phase images for Lcpca-denoising'
['Regarding processing parameters, you can either stick with metadata and standard ' ...
'defaults parameters (recommended) or select your own hmri_denoising_local_defaults_*.m customised defaults file.']};
denoisinginput_lcpca.val = {mtw pdw t1w DNparameters std ngbsize};
denoisinginput_lcpca.val = {DNparameters std ngbsize};

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% menu denoisingtype
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subj.tag = 'subj'; = 'Subject'; = {'Specify a subject for denoising.'};
subj.val = {output denoisingtype popup};
subj.val = {output pdw t1w mtw denoisingtype popup};

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% data Data
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% iterate to generate dependency tags for outputs
nsub = numel(job.subj);
contrasts = {'mtw','pdw','t1w'};
contrasts = {'pdw','t1w','mtw'};
ncon = length(contrasts);
dep = repmat(cfg_dep,1,2*ncon*nsub);
for i=1:nsub
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% define variables and initialize cfg_dep for magnitude images
cdep = cfg_dep;
cdep.sname = sprintf('lcpcaDenoised_%s_magnitude',con);
cdep.sname = sprintf('Denoised_%s_magnitude',con);
idxstr = ['DenoisedMagnitude' con];
cdep.src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.',idxstr,'()',{':'});
cdep.tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
dep((i-1)*ncon+k) = cdep;

% define variables and initialize cfg_dep for phase images
cdep = cfg_dep;
cdep.sname = sprintf('lcpcaDenoised_%s_phase',con);
cdep.sname = sprintf('Denoised_%s_phase',con);
idxstr = ['DenoisedPhase' con];
cdep.src_output = substruct('.','subj','()',{i},'.',idxstr,'()',{':'});
cdep.tgt_spec = cfg_findspec({{'filter','image','strtype','e'}});
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