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Luke J. Edwards edited this page Jul 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

Unit testing

minimal unit test for functions

Unit test functions (and with them their filenames) should end with Test. So assuming you have a function example in a file example.m you should create a test file exampleTest.m with the following function in it:

%% Main function to generate tests
function tests = exampleTest
    tests = functiontests(localfunctions);

This enables the unit test environment.

In this file you can now add test functions. Each of those test functions must do a qualification at its end. Available qualifications are: Assuming our function example computes the square root of the input the first test case could be this:

function testFunctionA(testData)
    actRoot = example(3*3);
    expRoot = 3;

testData is the internal data structure to keep track of the testing (and thus is given to the qualification verifyEqual as first parameter). If you have multiple test cases you want to check, just add another test function. All of them will be tested.

The tests can be run via runtests with the name of the testfile as parameter. In our case runtests('exampleTest.m')

setting up (and clearing) global and local environment for tests

Sometimes it is necessary to prepare data or other things for the test. Those can be done globally (wont be changed for the whole test run) and locally (will be reset for each test case).

The global setup is done by adding a function setupOnce(testData) to the test file. Notice that this function gets testData as a parameter. This gives you the option to add your global data into the data structure for the testing (in contrast to cluttering the global matlab data). This function is called once at the start when calling runtests. It's counterpart teardownOnce(testCase) is called right before runtests end. This can be used for any cleanup if neccessary. Also note that testData will be deleted anyway. So if you had no variables outside testData you won't have to clear those.

The local setup functions setup(testData) and teardown(testCase) do pretty much the same. But for each test case individually. That means setup(testData) is run right before each of the test functions and teardown(testCase) right after it. This can be useful if you need reset variables for each test.

processing the results

The function runtests returns a TestsResults object. Assuming you put the results of runtests into the variable a you can write the results as a json file like this:


(see also mathworks' tutorial for unit tests)