In this repository, you will find different Python scripts to generate ERT protocols for given geometries or process data originating from the ABME Terrameter (LS1 and LS2).
They are two functions to create 2D arrays:
CreateDNN(nMax, nElec, parralelizedMin) -> np.ndarray
CreateGradient(s, nElec) -> np.ndarray
Both can be used with their default parameters creating a simple 64 electrodes profile.
There, we base ourself on the creation of 2D protocols (gradient and/or dipole). 2 functions perform the basics 3D protocols (not for roll-alongs):
CreateMultiLineGradient(nLines, nElecLine, s) -> np.ndarray
CreateMultiLineDDN(nLines, nElecLine, nMax) -> np.ndarray
You can build anything you want from this (see CreateTom()
All created protocols can be saved:
SaveArrayTXT(filename, array)
You can also sort an array using the function SortArray(array, type)
Creating the reciprocals array is done using:
CreateReciprocals(array) # Full reciprocals
SampleReciprocals(array, sampling) # Sampled injections for reciprocals
Extract in-line measurements from a 3D array that has been measured using the ABEM Terrameter LS1 or LS2.
Change the parameters atop the file and run the code to process the files.