- FastLED to send the values to the WS2812 LEDs. The XY support is based on one of the examples.
- WiFiManager to make it easy to connect it to the wifi.
The ESP reads 16x16x3 bytes in a single UDP packet on port 5060, and sets all the pixels to the byte values.
head -c 768 /dev/zero | socat -t 0 - UDP:
head -c 768 /dev/urandom | socat -t 0 - UDP:
convert image.png -background black -resize 16x16^ -gravity center -extent 16x16 RGB:- | socat -t 0 - UDP:
ffmpeg \
-re \
-i sample.mkv -vf "crop=in_h:in_h,scale=16:16,eq=brightness=-0.2" \
-vcodec rawvideo \
-pix_fmt rgb24 \
-f rawvideo \
-r 30 \