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Floating IPs controller for DigitalOcean K8S platform

Use this Floating IP controller to manage floating IPs for your DigitalOcean K8S cluster.

This controller will make sure the floating IP is attached to the node that is running the pods that have the annotation with that IP (more info).


  1. Annotate and label your controller pods:
  annotations: ""
  labels: "true"
  1. Add anchor IPs to your service spec:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: traefik
  type: ClusterIP

Configure RBAC, Digital Ocean token, start the controller as a Deployment in your cluster. See some examples of how to do it, or read my blog post for more details.

Challenge: Anchor IPs

DigitalOcean's nodes do not have the actual floating IP assigned to them, they have "anchor IPs", which receive the traffic destined to the Floating IP. However, the Anchor IPs are not exposed on the platform in any way, and we need to assign this anchor IP to the service (in the ExternalIPs list) in order to receive the traffic.

Right now I just list the whole lot of them (see above). If your cluster is small, it's not a problem since the IPs are assigned sequentially, and are eventually reused.

Eventually, I'd want to assign only the needed anchor IPs to the service. I've started with the "run once" anchor-ip-annotator DaemonSet to annotate all the nodes with the anchor IPs, and then the idea is to apply these to the Service. But this code is not written yet.

Challenge: Firewall

DigitalOcean's K8S platform automatically blocks all traffic to the nodes using the firewall. Since we DO want to let the traffic in:

  • Cannot change the default firweall managed by K8S itself, since any changes will be overwritten.
  • Can create a new firewall and target the same nodes using tags, adding the necessary exceptions there.
  • TODO: do it automatically in the controller.