Small updates and new icons!
🥳 92 new icons!
, 4k-box
, 5g
, ac
, add-box-multiple
, alert
, animation
, art-text
, article-multiple
, article
, aspect-ratio
, backburger
, briefcase-account
, briefcase-check
, briefcase-delete
, briefcase-download
, briefcase-minus
, briefcase-plus
, briefcase-search-1
, briefcase-search
, briefcase-upload
, briefcase
, bullseye-arrow
, bullseye
, camera-alt
, card-id
, card-plus
, card-stack
, card-text
, card
, chart-add
, chart-bar
, chart-delete
, chart-minus
, chart-multiple
, chart
, chess
, coffee-alt
, coffee
, copy
, credit-card-delete
, credit-card-minus
, credit-card-multiple
, credit-card-plus
, credit-card-settings
, credit-card-wireless
, dashbaord
, deskphone
, dice
, downasaur
, drop-full
, drop-half
, drop
, duplicate-alt
, eye-closed
, eye
, fill-half
, fill
, flip-to-back
, flip-to-front
, forwardburger
, hourglass
, human-handsdown
, human-handsup
, human-height-alt
, human-height
, human-run
, human
, invert
, label-alt-multiple
, label-alt
, label-sharp
, luggage
, paint-bucket
, picture-in-picture-alt
, picture-in-picture
, radio-handheld
, reciept-alt
, remove-box-multiple
, rounded-corner
, script-text
, script
, sharp-corner
, speed-fast
, speed-medium
, speed-slow
, sync
, tea
, teach
, tournament
, track-changes
, trash-alt
Including the icon-requests from issue #3
For the next release I am thinking about creating a new brand icon set, let's see ;-)