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Kirby XSLT

XSLT is a template component for Kirby 3 enabling XSLT support in your templates. It let's you specify the needed data for each blueprint which is then provided as XML on the frontend:



Download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/xslt.

Git submodule

git submodule add site/plugins/xslt


composer require hananils/kirby-xslt


By default, the plugin provides XML nodes for the $kirby, $site, $pages and $page objects. As soon as you are logged in, you can view the data of any page by appending ?data to the URL. The base output without additional setting using the Plainkit looks similar to this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <kirby content-extension="txt" version="3.1.0">
      <index host="localhost" path="" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888</index>
      <base host="localhost" path="" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888</base>
      <current host="localhost" path="" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888</current>
      <assets host="localhost" path="/assets" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888/assets</assets>
      <api host="localhost" path="/api" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888/api</api>
      <media host="localhost" path="/media" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888/media</media>
      <panel host="localhost" path="/panel" port="8888" scheme="http">http://localhost:8888/panel</panel>
    <user id="dac9630a" language="de" role="admin">
      <username>Nils Hörrmann</username>
      <email alias="buero" domain="" hash="9f8e362eca81e9723d9e699a45caf841">[email protected]</email>
  <page id="home" slug="home" status="unlisted" template="default" uid="home" url="http://localhost:8888">
    <page id="error" url="http://localhost:8888/error">
      <path url="error">
        <param template="default" title="Error">error</param>
    <page id="home" url="http://localhost:8888">
      <path url="home">
        <param template="default" title="Home">home</param>
  <site url="http://localhost:8888">
    <title>hana+nils · Büro für Gestaltung</title>

Any object defined in a controller will be added to the XML output as well, e. g.:


return function ($kirby) {
    return [
        'projects' => $kirby->collection('projects')

Known types are:

Included Elements

In order to customize the XML output, you have to create a new folder definitions inside your site folder. Similar to your blueprints, you can create definitions files for each template. The default.yml might look like this for example:

kirby: true
site: true
page: true
pages: false

The key equals the object name, let this be the default $kirby, $site, $pages or $page objects or a custom controller returning a project object. Setting an object to true will show the full content, setting an object to false will exclude its content.

The different type have different options:


The kirby object has the following options that either switch a node on or off:

        - content-extension
        - language
        - multilang
        - version'
    urls: true
    request: true
    languages: false
    session: true
    user: true

The attributes object allows to creation of node attributes from kirby methods. The name of the attribute has to match the method’s name, see the Kirby docs.

If you are working on a multilingual install, language settings are available:

  <language code="de" direction="ltr" locale="de_DE.uft-8" url="http://localhost:8888/de" default="true" current="true">Deutsch</language>
  <language code="en" direction="ltr" locale="en_US.uft-8" url="http://localhost:8888/en">Englisch</language>

Site and Page

The page objects have the following options:

        - id
        - url
    title: true
    path: true
    languages: true
    content: true
    files: true
    children: false
  • The attributes object allows to creation of node attributes from page methods. The name of the attribute has to match the method’s name, see the Kirby docs.
  • The title object can be switched on and off by setting true or false.
  • The path object is helpful to apply different templates base on the URL, it can be switched on and off by setting true or false.
  • The languages object is available in multilingual installs and offers link for all languages, it can be switched on and off by setting true or false.
  • The content subsetting takes and array of fields you'd like to include, e. g. content: title, description, tags.
  • The files object can be switched on and off by setting true or false. It also takes additional settings, see below.
  • The children object can be switched on and off by setting true or false. It also takes additional settings from the pages object, see below.

If you'd like to pass options to a specific fields, you can still include all other field by using a wildcard:

    *: true
    description: markdown

Textarea field

The textarea field offers additional settings to define formatters to be applied to the field content. By default, Kirbytext is applied to all textareas:

content: title, description, tags

To get unformatted source text, the field has to be set to unformatted in the page definitions:

    title: true
    description: unformatted
    tags: true

To get formatted output, the field has to be set to either markdown or kirbytext:

    title: true
    description: markdown
    tags: true

To apply multiple formatters – like Kirbytext and SmartyPants –, the field also accepts a list of method:

    title: true
        - kirbytext
        - smartypants
    tags: true

Methods are applied from top to bottom. Any existing field method can be used so it's also possible to apply the lower method for example:

    title: true
        - kirbytext
        - lower
    tags: true

Telephone field

When using a Composer setup, you can install the optional libphonenumber library. This will add additional phone number formats to the XML output (E164, national, international and RFC3966).


The pages objects returns a collection of child pages. It takes the same settings as the page object which are applied to all children.


The files object returns a collection of files grouped by file template:

filename: true
meta: description, credits, focus
    - width: 600
      height: 400
      crop: left
    - width: 1200
      crop: file.focus
    - width: 1800
  • The filename can be switched on and off by setting true or false.
  • The meta object equals the content object of a page, see above.
  • The thumbs object lets you setup image thumbnails. It takes a list of thumbs with optional settings for width, height and crop position. If your crop position is stored in a field, you can reference it using the syntax file.fieldname.

Extending Included Elements

You can create subfolders for files and pages, /site/definitions/files and /site/definitions/pages to create subsets for settings you'd like to reuse across definitions files. This works like in blueprints.

Extending the default definitions:

extends: default

Extending file definitions


filename: true
meta: description, credits, focus
    - width: 600
      height: 400
      crop: left
    - width: 1200
      crop: fields.focus
    - width: 1800


    title: true
    content: title, description, url, date, tags
        extends: files/image

Extending page definitions


title: true
path: true


    extends: default

Helper Objects

The plugin bundles two helper objects to be used inside your controllers:


return function ($kirby) {
    return [
        'datetime' => $kirby->collection('datetime'),
        'assets' => $kirby->collection('assets')

Date and Time

This object returns current date and time information as well as localized month and weekday names:

  <today day="14" iso="2019-02-14T20:24:38+00:00" month="2" offset="+0000" time="20:24" timestamp="1550175878" weekday="4" year="2019">2019-02-14</today>
    <language id="en" locale="en_ca">
        <month abbr="Jan" id="1">January</month>
        <month abbr="Feb" id="2">February</month>
        <month abbr="Mar" id="3">March</month>
        <month abbr="Apr" id="4">April</month>
        <month abbr="May" id="5">May</month>
        <month abbr="Jun" id="6">June</month>
        <month abbr="Jul" id="7">July</month>
        <month abbr="Aug" id="8">August</month>
        <month abbr="Sep" id="9">September</month>
        <month abbr="Oct" id="10">October</month>
        <month abbr="Nov" id="11">November</month>
        <month abbr="Dec" id="12">December</month>
        <weekday abbr="Sun" id="1">Sunday</weekday>
        <weekday abbr="Mon" id="2">Monday</weekday>
        <weekday abbr="Tue" id="3">Tuesday</weekday>
        <weekday abbr="Wed" id="4">Wednesday</weekday>
        <weekday abbr="Thu" id="5">Thursday</weekday>
        <weekday abbr="Fri" id="6">Friday</weekday>
        <weekday abbr="Sat" id="7">Saturday</weekday>

The used locale can be set in the config:


return [
    'locale' => 'en_CA.utf-8'

If you are working on a multilingual site, all languages you've set up will be available.

It’s possible to set the included node in the definition files:

    today: true
    languages: false


This object return information about all files and folders inside the /asset folder:

    <file extension="png" mime="image/png" modified="1544107969">apple-touch-icon.png</file>
    <file extension="js" mime="text/plain" modified="1549887572">app.js</file>
    <file extension="css" mime="text/plain" modified="1544531895">app.globals.css</file>
    <file extension="css" mime="text/plain" modified="1549887572">app.layouts.css</file>

This information can be used to automatically generate links for scripts and styles:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:template match="data">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="assets/styles/file[@extension = 'css']" />

<xsl:template match="assets/styles/file[@extension = 'css']">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$assets}/{@modified}/{name(..)}/{.}" />


It's also possible to use the modified attribute to create timestamped links:

# in your .htaccess
RewriteRule ^assets/([0-9]+)/(.*)$ ./assets/$2 [L,NC]


Templates are defined in the default templates and snippets folders. If you are using the Kirby Starterkit or Plainkit, please remove the default PHP templates and add a new default.xsl file. This works well as a starting point:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:output method="html"
  doctype-system="about:legacy-compat" />

<xsl:template match="data">
        <xsl:value-of select="page/title" />
        <xsl:value-of select="page/title" />


Template naming conventions follow the default Kirby scheme, see


If you use doctype-system="about:legacy-compat" as in the example above, the plugin will automatically shorten the default doctype output <!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "about:legacy-compat"> to <!DOCTYPE html>.

Content representations and emails

As of version 3.0, XSL template are only enabled for HTML and XML content by default. For any other content representations and for emails, native templating is used. You can set allowed types for XSLT rendering in your config:

return [
    'hananils.kirby-xslt.types' => ['rss']

Disable XSL templates

As of version 3.0, you can disable XSL templating in your config:

return [
    'hananils.kirby-xslt.enabled' => false


The plugin is work in progress. We are extending it based on our own needs:

  • Field support is limited to the core fields and a few additional fields we use ourselves.

Contributions are always welcome.


This plugin is provided freely under the MIT license by hana+nils · Büro für Gestaltung.
We create visual designs for digital and analog media.