Lib Create React App allows React components to be publicly published as npm packages
click for Video presentation, 10 min
© 2018-present Harald Rudell (
Publish to npm in 3 commands:
- yarn add --dev lib-create-react-app
- yarn preplib
- yarn pub
Implementation notes:
- A separate package.json for npm is at publish/package.json
- Separate LICENSE and in publish/
- Components to export in src/libindex.js
- Package content at publish/lib/
- react-rollup the Create React App build pipeline ported to Rollup
- lib-create-react-app that adapts, builds and publishes a React project to npm
- es2049package a configuration-free bundler for CommonJS and ECMAScript modules
- demo-context-store a single-truth store in 94% less code lines
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Lib Create React App creates shareable libraries from projects bootstrapped with Create React App.