This workflow has been tested on Narval but should work on any of the other Digital Research Alliance of Canada systems. With a bit of editing these scripts should be able to run on any system with Nextflow and Fastqc, Fastp and Seqkit and Bioawk installed.
Note : The nextflow scripts expects compressed fastq files.
Note: Nextflow doesn't like relative paths for input files. ~/somewhere/or/other
works as does $(realpath a/relative/path)
In an interative job
module load StdEnv/2020 nextflow/23.04.3
nextflow run <path/to/> --input_file <input_file.fastq.gz> --output_dir <path/to/results_folder>
nextflow run <path/to/> --input_file <fastp-trimmed-file.fastq.gz> --output_dir <path/to/results_folder>
- Check quality and trim sequences using Fastqc and Fastp
Assuming you've put the basecalled files in
and that you are currently in the folder that you want all the results in.
export SCRIPTS_DIR="path/to/scripts/folder"
module load meta-farm/1.0.2 fastqc_fastp-farm
find ~/scratch/bovine_nanopore_data -name '*.fastq.gz' | parallel --dry-run 'NXF_WORK=$SLURM_TMPDIR/work nextflow run '${SCRIPTS_DIR}'/ --input_file {} --output_dir '$(pwd)/'$(echo "{/.}" | sed "s/.fastq//")_results' > fastqc_fastp-farm/table.dat
eval cp ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/ fastqc_fastp-farm/
eval cp ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/ fastqc_fastp-farm/
cd fastqc_fastp-farm && 2
- Run filtering pipeline on each fastp trimmed file. Assuming you are still in the fastqc_fastp-farm folder, that the meta-farm module is still loaded, and that the previous jobs are finished
cd .. IgG_filtering-farm
find bc*/fastp -name 'bc*trimmed.fastq.gz' | parallel --dry-run 'NXF_WORK=$SLURM_TMPDIR/work nextflow run '${SCRIPTS_DIR}'/ --input_file '$(pwd)'/{} --output_dir '$(pwd)/'$(echo "{/.}" | sed "s/-trimmed.fastq//")_results' > IgG_filtering-farm/table.dat
eval cp ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/ IgG_filtering-farm/
eval cp ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/ IgG_filtering-farm/
cd IgG_filtering-farm && 2
Use inside the farm folders to check on the overall status over the jobs
If you have a choice of which def-account_name to use when you submit jobs you can over ride the default one for the meta-farm jobs by submitting with 4 '--account def-other_account'