0.3.0 (February 25, 2021)
- GCP MIG Horizontal Cluster Scaling: Scale the number of Nomad clients within a GCP Managed Instance Groups [GH-353]
- agent: Add pprof HTTP debug endpoints [GH-349]
- agent: Update Nomad API dependency to v1.0.4 [GH-401]
- agent: Read Nomad address and region from environment variables [GH-365]
- helper/scaleutils: refactored scaleutils to remove burden on horizontal cluster scaling target developers and allow for external plugins without core changes [GH-395]
- plugins: Replace net/rpc plugin subsystem with gRPC implementation [GH-355]
- plugins/apm/prometheus: Update Prometheus client dependency from v1.5.1 to v1.9.0 [GH-368]
- plugins/target: Add cluster scaling configuration to ignore system jobs on drain [GH-356]
- agent: Fix an issue where the Autoscaler could get blocked and stop evaluating policies [GH-354]
- agent: Fix Nomad config merging so that Nomad env vars are used correctly [GH-381]
- helper/scaleutils: Filter nodes to ensure unstable pools do not run evaluations [GH-378]
- plugins/target/aws-asg: Fix a bug where confirming instance termination would exit prematurely [GH-392]