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MicrostarterCli is a command-line rapid development tool for Micronaut applications. It helps developers cut the development time and focus on the application logic by generating Micronaut components and configurations using ready-built templates. This tool is a Micronaut/PicoCLI application powered with ConsoleUI

Table Of Contents

  1. Technologies Stack
  2. Quick Start
  3. Init Command
  4. Configure Command
  5. Enum Command
  6. Entity Command
  7. Relationship Command
  8. Event Command
  9. Messaging Commands
    1. Kafka Commmands
    2. RabbitMQ Commands
    3. NAT Commands
    4. GCP Commands.
  10. Security Command
    1. JWT
    2. Baiscs
    3. Session
  11. Metrics Command
  12. Banner Command
  13. Microstarter Domain Langauge

Technologies Stack

0. Application Types:

Type Notes
Micronaut Application default project type
Functions supporting AWS Lambda only

1. Reactive Framework

Framework Notes
Reactor It is the recommended to use Reactor.
Rxjava2 It's not supported in security command.
Rxjava3 It's not supported in security command.

2. Languages

Language Notes
java MicrostarterCli will detect the language from micronaut-cli.yml file
groovy MicrostarterCli will detect the language from micronaut-cli.yml file
kotlin MicrostarterCli will detecta the language from micronaut-cli.yml file

3. Database

Database Type Features Notes
Mongodb NoSQL ReactiveMongo, GORM GORM is in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.<
H2 RDBM JPA , JDBC, R2DBC , GROM 1. GORM is in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.
2. R2DBC is in Preview stage.
MySQL RDBM JPA , JDBC , R2DBC , GROM 1. GORM is in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.
2. R2DBC is in Preview stage .
MariaDB RDBM JPA , JDBC, R2DBC , GROM 1. GORM is in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.
2. R2DBC is in Preview stage .
PostgreSQL RDBM JPA , JDBC, R2DBC , GROM 1. GORM in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.
2. R2DBC is in Preview stage .
Oracle RDBM JPA , JDBC, R2DBC , GROM 1. GORM is in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.
2. R2DBC is in Preview stage .
SqlServer RDBM JPA , JDBC, R2DBC , GROM 1. GORM is in Preview stage and it is supported with Groovy Language Only.
2. R2DBC is in Preview stage .
Microstream Embedded File Storage Microstream implemented with Micronaut-Microstream annotations

4. SQL Data Migrations Tools

Framework/Tools notes
Liquibase recommended
Flyway It's not yet implemented in "security" command.

5. GraphQL

Framework/Tools Notes

6. Caching

Framework/Tools Notes

7. Observability

Framework/Tools Notes

8. Messeging

Messaging Notes

9. Security

Mechanism Notes

10. Banners.

The MicrostarterCli uses Banana to generate banners.

Quick Start

As a getting started step, we will generate an application using The Micronaut Launch. Then, we will generate a Fruit entity, repository, service, REST API, and GraphQL endpoints.

  1. Download the MicrostarterCli.
  2. Generate a Micronaut Application using Micronaut Launch or Micronaut CLI.
  3. Unzip MicrostarterCli in the Micronaut Application or configure it in your environment.
  4. Open the Terminal/Command Prompt. And navigate to the project's directory.
  5. Run this command to start generating the Fruit entity
mc entity -e fruit --graphql
  1. MicrostarterCli application will launch.
  2. Follow the instructions as in this GIF: Alt Tutorial

Init Command

init Command: Enables you to generate Micronaut Applications from Micronaut Launch.

Example 1:

> mc init

Example 2:

> mc init --name FruitService --package io.hashimati

Please check the Micronaut Launch API:

Generating Service Using Domain Language

You can also generate a project using the Microstarter Domain Langauge by passing a script file into the --file parameter.

Copy the below script and save in a file with name "FruitService.hdl".

service FruitService{
	port 8080;   
	reactive reactor; 
        package io.hashimati
	build gradle; 
	database MicroStream; 
	language java; 
	dao jdbc; 
	migrationTool liquibase; 
	annotation micronaut; 
	tracing jaeger; 
	testFramework junit; 

	entity Fruit {
		quantity: int;
		microstreamPath D:/fruitServiceMicrostream; 

Then run the below command:

>mc init --file FruitService.hdl

The above command will download a Microanut project from Micronaut launch. Then, it will configure the project according to the specified configuration. Finally, it will generate the Fruit entity.

Configure Command

Command Syntax:

> mc configure

The "configure" command prepares a Micronaut application to be used by MicrostarterCli's commands. The command should be run once. The first action that "configure" command does is reading "micronaut-cli.yml" file and collects the application's information. Based on the infomration in the "miconaut-cli.yml", MicrostarterCli application will check if the application type is supported by MicrostarterCli and determines generating Micronaut components flow.

The "Configure" command adds the necessary features and configurations that are required by other command to the Micronaut Application. When a user runs the command it will ask the user to configure the below:

  1. Reactive framework: Reactor Project, RxJava2 , RxJava3.
  2. Database Name.
  3. Database Type.
  4. Messaging Framework
  5. Caching
  6. Metrics Observibiltiy
  7. GraphQL

In the other hand, the "configure" does the below configurations by default:

  1. Adding the OpenAPI features and adding the necessary YAML and Java annotations configurations.
  2. Adding "OpenWriter" features.
  3. Updating the "logback.xml" file. It will add the "FILE" appender to the file, which will let the Miconaut application to write/append the logs to "logs.log" file. Also, it will add "" logger to trace the Micronaut data events.
  • File Appender Configuration:
<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
            <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
    <root level="info">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
        <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

"" Logger Configuration:

    <logger name="" level="trace" />
  1. Adding Lombok to the Micornaut-java application if the Micronaut application doesn't contain Lombok.
  2. Creates "MicoCliConfig.json" file. The "MicroCliConfig.json" file contains the application informations from "micronaut-cli.yml" file and tarcks all the actions that users do using the MicrostarterCli tool.

The "configure" command runs implicitly if the user runs Entity Command.

Enum Command

Command Syntax:

> mc create-enum --name <Enum Name> --options <OPTION1,OPTION2,OPTION3, ...> 

The users can use"enum" command declare and configure an Enum data type in the applicaiton. The defined enum data type will appear in the attributes data type selection list in Enum Command.


> mc create-enum --name WHETHER --options SUNNY,CLOUDY,RAINY 

Entity Command

Command Syntax:

mc entity --entity-name <EntityName> --collection-name <collection name> --graphql --cache --no-endpoint

The "entity" command helps the developers to bootstarp the code of the basic CRUD operations for the application's domains. The files are including Entity Class file, Database Repository file, Service file, REST Endpoint file, and GraphQL configuration files. The "entity" command generates the files based on the information that the developer provides in "configure" command. The "entity" command runs the "configure" command implicitly if the developer didn't run it.

Command Options:

Option Aliases Description
--entity-name -e , -n To specify the entity's name
--collection-name -c to specify the entity's table/collection name
--no-endpoint to generate the entity class only.
--graphql -gl to generate entity's graphql configuration and files including QueryFactory, QueryResolver, schema, data, query,and mutation files
--cache --caffine to add caching annotations in the entity's service file


> mc entity -n Fruit

Generated Files:

1. Fruit Class
@Schema(name="Fruit", description="Fruit Description")
@MappedEntity(value = "fruits", namingStrategy = Raw.class)
public class Fruit{
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Date dateCreated;

    private Date dateUpdated;    
2. Fruit Repository
@JdbcRepository(dialect = Dialect.H2)
public interface FruitRepository extends CrudRepository<Fruit, Long> {
3. Fruit Service
public class FruitService {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FruitService.class);
    @Inject private FruitRepository fruitRepository;

    @Timed(value = "", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for saving fruit object")
    public Fruit save(Fruit fruit){"Saving  Fruit : {}", fruit);
        //TODO insert your logic here!
        //saving Object;
        return fruit;

    @Timed(value = "", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for finding a fruit object by id")
    public Fruit findById(long id){"Finding Fruit By Id: {}", id);
        return fruitRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

    @Timed(value = "", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for deleting a fruit object by id")
    public boolean deleteById(long id){"Deleting Fruit by Id: {}", id);
  "Deleted Fruit by Id: {}", id);
            return true;
        catch(Exception ex)
  "Failed to delete Fruit by Id: {}", id);
            return false;

    @Timed(value = "", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for finding all fruit objects")
    public Iterable<Fruit> findAll() {"Find All");
      return  fruitRepository.findAll();

    public boolean existsById(Long id)
    {"Check if id exists: {}", id);
        return  fruitRepository.existsById(id);


    @Timed(value = "", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for update a fruit object")
    public Fruit update(Fruit fruit)
    {"update {}", fruit);
        return fruitRepository.update(fruit);


4. Fruit Controller
public class FruitController {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FruitController.class);

    @Inject private FruitService fruitService;

    @Timed(value = "", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for saving fruit object")
    @Operation(summary = "Creating a fruit and Storing in the database",
            description = "A REST service, which saves Fruit objects to the database.",
            operationId = "SaveFruit"
            content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid Object Supplied")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Fruit not stored")
    public Fruit save(@Body Fruit fruit){"Saving  Fruit : {}", fruit);
        //TODO insert your logic here!

        //saving Object

    @Timed(value = "io.hashimati.controllers.fruitController.findById", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for finding a fruit object by id")
    @Operation(summary = "Getting a fruit by Id",
        description = "A REST service, which retrieves a Fruit object by Id.",
        operationId = "FindByIdFruit"
        content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid Id Supplied")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Fruit not found")
    public Fruit findById(@Parameter("id") long id){
        return fruitService.findById(id);

    @Timed(value = "io.hashimati.controllers.fruitController.deleteById", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for deleting a fruit object by id")
    @Operation(summary = "Deleting a fruit by ID",
            description = "A REST service, which deletes Fruit object from the database.",
            operationId = "DeleteByIdFruit"
            content = @Content(mediaType = "boolean")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Invalid Id Supplied")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Fruit not found")
    public boolean deleteById(@PathVariable("id") long id){"Deleting Fruit by Id: {}", id);
        return  fruitService.deleteById(id);

    @Timed(value = "io.hashimati.controllers.fruitController.findAll", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for finding all fruit objects")
    @Operation(summary = "Retrieving all fruit objects as Json",
            description = "A REST service, which returns all Fruit objects from the database.",
            operationId = "FindAllFruit"
            content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")
    public Iterable<Fruit> findAll(){"find All");
        return fruitService.findAll();

    @Timed(value = "io.hashimati.controllers.fruitController.update", percentiles = { 0.5, 0.95, 0.99 }, description = "Observing all service metric for update a fruit object")
    @Operation(summary = "Updating a fruit.",
            description = "A REST service, which update a Fruit objects to the database.",
            operationId = "UpdateFruit"
            content = @Content(mediaType = "application/json")
    @ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "Fruit not found")
    public Fruit update(@Body Fruit fruit)
    {"update {}", fruit);
        return fruitService.update(fruit);


5. Fruit Client
public interface FruitClient {

    public Fruit save(Fruit fruit);

    public Fruit findById(@Parameter("id") long id);

    public boolean deleteById(@PathVariable("id") long id);

    public Iterable<Fruit> findAll();

    public Fruit update(@Body Fruit fruit);

Demo: GraphQL Endpoints with Micronaut Data and MySQL + Testing with TestContainers


Relationship Command

The developers can add relationship between two generated entities. The command asks the use the following:

  1. First entity.
  2. Second entity.
  3. The relationship type: One-to-One or One-to-Many.

Command Syntax:

> mc create-relation
Alias: relation

"Event" Command

"Event" Command enables you to generate Event's Publisher/Listener for an Entity.

> mc event


The developers can use Messaging commands to generated producer/consumer components for the entities generated using "entity" command. MicrostarterCli supports the following messaging systems:

  1. Kafka.
  2. RabbitMQ.
  3. Nats
  4. GCP-PubSub.

Each messaging system has two commands. The first command is for generating the Listener Component. The second command is for generating the Client Component. The messaging commands ask the developers to provide the following information:

  1. The class/interface's package.
  2. The class/interface's name.
  3. The GroupID if required by the system.
  4. The "Subject", "Topic", or "Queue" based on the messaging system.
Nats Listener Example:
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageBody;
import io.micronaut.nats.annotation.NatsListener;
import io.micronaut.nats.annotation.Subject;

public class FruitsListener {

    private static final Logger log= LoggerFactory.getLogger(FruitsListener.class);

    public void receive(@MessageBody Fruit message)
    {"Received {}", message);
Nats Client Example:
import io.micronaut.nats.annotation.NatsClient;
import io.micronaut.nats.annotation.Subject;
import io.micronaut.messaging.annotation.MessageBody;

public interface FruitClient {

    public void send(Fruit message);


Micronaut Messaging with Nats Demo:

Alt Tutorial

Kafka Commands

Kafka Listener

> create-kafka-listener <-e <entityName>>

kafka-listener - kafkaListener

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

Kafka Client

> create-kafka-client <-e <entityName>> 

kafka-client - kafkaClient

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

RabbitMQ Commands

RabbitMQ Listener

> create-rabbitmq-listener <-e <entityName>>

rabbitmqListener - rabbitmq-Listener

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name

RabbitMQ Client

> create-rabbitmq-listener <-e <entityName>>

rabbitmq-client - rabbitmqClient

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

NATS Commands

NATS Listener

> create-nat-listener <-e <entityName>>

nats-Listener - natsListener

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

NATS Client

> create-nat-client <-e <entityName>>

nats-client - natsClient

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

GCP Commands

GCP Listener

> create-gcp-pubsub-listener <-e <entityName>>

pubsub-listener - pubSubListener

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

GCP Client

> create-gcp-pubsub-client <-e <entityName>>

pubsub-client - pubsubClient - PubSubClient

Option Alias Mandatory Description
-e --entity No To pass the entity name.

Security Command

MicrostarterCli helps to bootstrap the security authentication mechanisim using the "security" command. The MicrostarterCli supports the following Mechanisim:

  1. Basic.
  2. Session.
  3. JWT.

The "security" command requires the "configure" to be run first and it will boostrap the security files accordingly. Please, ensure to configure according to the supported technologies in the below table:

Mechanisim MongoDB JDBC JPA GORM Liquibase Flyway Reactor RxJava2 RxJava3
Basic Yes Yes - - Yes - Yes - -
Session Yes Yes - - Yes - Yes - -
JWT Yes Yes - - Yes - Yes - -

Command Syntax

> mc security

JWT Authentication Demo

Alt Tutorial

Metrics Command

The "metrics" command configurs the metircs registry in the micronaut application.

Command Syntax

> mc configure-metrics

Alias: metrics

Demo 1: Micronaut + Prometheus + Grafana


Demo 2: Micronaut(Groovy) + MongoDB + GraphQL + InfluxDB


Banner Command

The banner command allows to the user to customize the displayed banner at launch time. Please refer to quick start section for the demo.

> mc banner

Microstarter Domain Language

Microstarer Domain Language is Domain Specific Application that used to describe the Service aspects including:

  1. Configurations
  2. Enums
  3. Entities
  4. Security rules
  5. Relationship (Upcoming Feature)
  6. Microservices configurations (Upcoming Feature)
  7. Clients (Upcoming Feature)

File extension:

.hdl is the conventional extensions for the Microstarter Domain Language.

Quick Start Example

The below is a simple example to define a Micronaut project using Microstarter Domain Language.

service FruitService{
    // Project Configuration 
	port 8080;   
	reactive reactor; 
	build gradle; 
	database MicroStream; 
	language java; 
        package io.hashimati
	dao jdbc; 
	migrationTool liquibase; 
	annotation micronaut; 
	tracing jaeger; 
	testFramework junit; 

    //an entity definition 
	entity Fruit {
		quantity: int;
		microstreamPath D:/fruitServiceMicrostream; 

Service Syntax:

As shown below, you can declare a service as follows:

service <serviceName> {
    <Service Configuration Commands>;
    <Entity Relationships> 

The keywords service begins the service definition and followed by the servcie name. the body service body is sorrounded by curly braces the service body could contain the following:

  1. Service Configuration commands.
  2. Entity Declarations.
  3. Entities' Relationships.
  4. Security Declaration.
  5. Client Declaration.

Service Configuration Commands

The service configuration is as follows:

    command <parameters>; 

The support service configuration commands are:

Command Parameter Values Default Value
package package name example: io.demo io.demo
language main source language java, groovy, kotlin java
build build tool name gradle, maven gradle
testFramework test framework name junit, spock, kotest language default
database database type name mongodb, microstream, H2, mysql, postgres, oracle, sqlserver H2
dao data access types Relational DB:[jdbc,r2dbc, jpa] Mongodb[data-mongodb,data-mongodb-reactive,mongo-reactive] [jdbc, data-mongodb, microstream]
migrationTool Migration tool name liquibase , Flyway Liquibase
reactive reactive feature name reactor, RxJava2, RxJava3 reactor
tracing tracing tool Name jaeger, zipkin jaeger
messaging Messaging Tool Name kafka, rabbitmq, nats none
graphql no parameters - -
annotation framework name micronaut, Jaxb micronaut
port port number 0-65535 8080

Entity Syntax

As show below, you can declare an entity as follows:

    entity <entityName>{    
        <attribute declartion>;
        <entity configuration commands>

The entity declaration starts with entity keywords followed by the entity name and the body surrounded by curly barces. In the entity body you can include the following:

  1. Attribute declarations.
  2. Entity configuration commands.

Attribute Syntax

The attribute declaration starts with attribute name followed by type and validations.

    <name>: <type> <validations>; 

Data Types:

String, byte, char, short, int long, float, double, defined enums (to be implemented), and defined classes (to be implemented).

Entity Configuration Commands

The syntax as follows:

    command <parameters>; 

Supported commands:

Command Parameter Values Default Value
records none - -
graphql none - -
microstreamPath datastore path path null

Attribute Validations

Supported attribute validation

regex(your regex)


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