This repository is for the audit competition for the Thorn-protocol. To participate, submit your findings only by using the on-chain submission process on .
- follow the instructions on
We look forward to seeing your findings.
$ git clone
$ cd thorn-protocol-contract
$ npm install --save-dev --force
- Copy and update from .env_example_bsc_testnet for bsc testnet network
- Copy and update from .env_example_oasis_sapphire_mainnet for sapphire oasis network
Thorn is an exchange liquidity pool on Sapphire designed for extremely efficient stablecoin trading and low risk, supplemental fee income for liquidity providers, without an opportunity cost.
Thorn allows user to trade between correlated cryptocurrencies with a low slippage, low fee algorithm and ensures privacy through Sapphire's confidential state features.
There are 5 main contract types:
- StableSwapFactory: Creates new pools and provides contract infomation.
- Pool contracts: Pairs stablecoins, allowing users to add or remove liquidity, and exchange tokens.
- StableSwapLPFactory: Generates LP tokens rewarded to liquidity providers
- StableSwapRouter: Facilitates cryptocurrency exchanges across mutiple pools.
- Info contracts: Supplies information about pools
Compile contract before deploying:
npx hardhat compile
Deploy 4 contracts in the following order:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/1-deploy-LP-factory.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/2-deploy-two-pool-deployer.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/3-deploy-three-pool-deployer.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/4-deploy-stable-swap-factory.ts
After completely deploying 4 contracts, navigate to the contract deploy files excluding stable swap factory deploy file. Comment out the deploy function in main, and uncomment setup function. Then, only run the first three commands above.
Once the contracts are fully set up, procceed with the deployment:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/5-deploy-two-pool-info.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/6-deploy-three-pool-info.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/7-deploy-stable-swap-info.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/8-deploy-smart-router-helper.ts
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-upgrades/9-deploy-stable-swap-router.ts
- New pools are creating through 'create' functions in SwapFactory contrac,by only the contract owner
- Once created, the pools information is retrieved using 'get info' functions in SwapFactory
The test suite common tests for pools, as well as router tests.
To run tests :
npx hardhat test tests/<test file name>