This code was developed by Quentin Chevalier (aka hawkspar) as part of his PhD from 2020 to 2023.
The acronym means "Swirling Parallel Yet another jet code" as an hommage to Chuhan Wang who gave me the first building blocks for this code. His contribution was then extended to 3D perturbations and parallel framework.
It contains two subparts, SPYB ("SPY Baseflow") and SPYP ("SPY Perturbations").
This little README is intended as a small quick documentation, for details on the science, you're welcome to read the relevant chapter of my thesis !
SPY handles :
- arbitrary eddy viscosities
- 2D mesh
- cylindrical coordinates (x-r is provided by the user)
- arbitrary Dirichlet boundary conditions
- stress-free boundary conditions
It is a fully parallel code.
Using a Newton solver, SPYB can compute a baseflow satisfying :
- incompressibility
- 3 components of velocity
- axisymmetric baseflow
SPYP can do global temporal stability analysis or resolvent calculations on perturbations satisfying :
- incompressibility
- 3 components of velocity
- azimuthally decomposition
The code also contains routines for 2D or 3D visualisation.
The code uses a memoisation paradigm all around and provides utilities as well as handlers.
This is a memory leak when using a large amount of EPS.solve
with unassembled dolfinx
objects. - keep an eye out when performing overly large computations !
Depends under the hood on PETSc and SLEPc, and as capricious as them.
General BCs.
This code requires python3.
This code depends on the FEniCsX library. This library is included as dolfinx
in the code. It is strongly recommanded to use the docker image of this library available at
Parts of the project are also dependant on the meshio library that doesn't come in the docker image. It can be readily installed from the command line inside the container by using pip : pip3 install h5py meshio
Plotly has to be installed as well to use 3D visualisation routines.
The tree of the project separates cases
which represents user application, and src
, where most of the magic happens.
provides a couple useful stuff like operators, convenient file finders, but
provide only classes.
The reference case should be nozzle
. This case uses most of the interesting features currently implemented.
Every case folder must include a mesh
folder with the desired meshes in .xdmf
It is advised to regroup utilities in a
which can be used to prescribe solver parameters, mesh directions, boundary conditions and boxing functions...
During computations, SPY will try to create directories in your case file. It will save every result it can using complicated strings formats like q_Re=2000_S=0,2_St=1,2e-04_n=12_p=0.npy
. Don't panic ! It knows what it's doing. If you want to go parallel, be aware that SPY's saving scheme is number of processors dependent - pick one and stick to it !
First things first - SPY is direction agnostic. This means that you must tell SPY which direction is which in your mesh. This is done by providing a direction_map
to it at creation. Something like direction_map={'x':0,'r':1,'th':2}
Another key step is to choose computation parameters. It goes without saying that some computations are very sensitive to this, especially the relaxation factor for a Newton solver. This is expected to be specified as another dictionary:
params = {"rp":.97, # Relaxation parameter
"atol":1e-12, # Absolute tolerance
"rtol":1e-9, # Relative tolerance
Then you'll need to import SPY classes like so:
import sys
from spy import SPY
from spyb import SPYB
from spyp import SPYP
Next step is defining your geometry. SPY doesn't use anything on a mesh other than points and edges, therefore it is advised to use indicator functions to build geometry.
import numpy as np
def symmetry(x:ufl.SpatialCoordinate) -> np.ndarray: return np.isclose(x[params['r']],0,params['atol']) # Axis of symmetry at r=0
In order to compute a baseflow, one must use the SPYB module. This module is a child of SPY and inherits all its convenience functions.
Its call signature goes like SPYB(params,data_path,base_mesh,direction_map)
with computation parameters, path to file, name of mesh inside mesh/
, and dictionary with directions.
Axisymmetric baseflows should be computed in real mode, running source /usr/local/bin/dolfinx-real-mode
before anything else. This improves storage space and performance.
The first thing to do is define boundary conditions. The simplest of these, homogeneous boundary conditions, can be specified directly using SPY.applyHomogeneousBCs
, providing a geometry indicator function, a list of directions and optionally a value. By defaults it sets the relevant velocity component at the provided boundary to zero.
More involved custom Dirichlet boundary conditions can be specified using dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_geometrical
, dolfinx.fem.dirichletbc
and SPY.applyBCs
. Like all functions supplied to dolfinx.fem.Function.interpolate
, the boundary condition must take as argument a single array containing two lines for the evaluation points and return an appropriately sized value for every point.
The following snippet gives the procedure for imposing the BC profile
on component dir
at geo_indic
# Degrees of freedom
dofs = dfx.fem.locate_dofs_geometrical((subspace, subspace_collapsed), geo_indic)
bcs = dfx.fem.dirichletbc(u, dofs, subspace) # Same as OpenFOAM
# Actual BCs
implements an additional trick - it is possible to change a boundary condition on the fly during a computation by providing profile
as a class with a __call__
method and changing the attributes of the profile
object. This is useful to avoid recomputing boundary conditions from scratch during a computation where a single parameter is varying. This trick is what prevents more encapsulation into SPY.applyBCs
If nothing is specified for a component on a boundary, it will default to stress-free
Right now, SPY does not accomodate non-Dirichlet boundary conditions, you'll have to change the equations weak form for more.
SPYB can handle an eddy viscosity but is unable to compute one ! The only way to include one right now is to compute one using OpenFOAM, convert it to meshio friendly format using a custom Paraview macro and feed it to cases/nozzle/src/OpenFOAM_reader
. This will create a baseflow
directory with a nut
subfolder containing .npy
files that SPY can use. Note that OpenFOAM and SPY can operate on different meshes, as long as the SPY one is included in the OpenFOAM one.
contains a couple of surprises that are essential to the nozzle
case but which may prove detrimental to your case. For instance SPYB.smootenNu
includes a smoothing of the eddy viscosity field as well as a cut-off.
Given a list of OpenFOAM times of interest times
and associated parameters Res
and Ss
, providing appropriate paths to the OpenFOAM and SPY cases, the following Paraview macro will convert OpenFOAM .vtk
output into .xmf
that meshio can read.
from paraview.simple import *
for time in range(1): association_dict[str(time)]={'Re':Res[time], 'S':Ss[time]}
for vtk in association_dict:
# find source
vtm = XMLMultiBlockDataReader(registrationName='case_'+vtk+'.vtm', FileName=[path_OpenFOAM+'VTK/case_'+vtk+'.vtm'])
# create a new 'Append Location Attributes'
vtm_with_loc = AppendLocationAttributes(registrationName='case_loc', Input=vtm)
# save data
SaveData(save_str, proxy=vtm_with_loc, ChooseArraysToWrite=1, PointDataArrays=['U', 'p', 'nut'], CellDataArrays=['CellCenters', 'U', 'p', 'nut'])
# clear the pipeline
for name in ('case_'+vtk+'.vtm','case_loc'):
source = FindSource(name)
del source
with open(save_str, 'r+') as fp:
# Read all lines
lines = fp.readlines() # Move file pointer to the beginning of a file
fp.truncate() # Erase the file
# Cut out clumsy Times and Grids
print("Handled case_"+vtk+'.vtm')
It is possible to supply an initial guess to the Newton solver using a function or to use a previous computation as a starting point. To use a result of a previous computation, simply run SPY.loadBaseflow
(notice that since SPYB is a child of SPY, it inherits this method) with the required parameters. SPYB will try to load the closest run to the parameters you provide according to a naive L1 norm - check the printed output that it got it right.
must be set by hand prior to computation - it may be a number or a dolfinx.fem.Function
, allowing easy implementation of sponge zones. This is somewhat redundant with a custom SPY.nut
computes the baseflow. Right now, parameters Re
and S
are only used in the saving string scheme. It might cause problems to have a non-integer Re. refinement
should not be used. save
means that the baseflow must be written to file. baseflow_init
allow for the velocities of the baseflow to be initialised by an arbitrary provided function satisfying, again, FEniCsX interpolation constraints.
A useful tool is SPYB.smoothenU
that uses a pseudo-Laplace equation to smoothen out a velocity - it can handle only a component or the whole vector. It should only ever be called with small e
and operates in place on SPY.Q
where the baseflow is to be found.
should handle all the loading for you. It can optionally save eddy viscosity and velocity fields in .xdmf
format - currently, FEniCsX can write .xdmf
in parallel not read them. Remember, in parallel these functions are number of processors dependant !
and SPY.printStuff
are good places to start debugging.
A couple SPYB.computeX
methods exist to produce 3D Plotly objects that can be put in relation to SPYP 3D visualisations. Otherwise, just go digging in the baseflow/print
folder of the case.
This requires going complex with source /usr/local/bin/dolfinx-complex-mode
and use of the SPYP object.
The call signature is identical to SPYB. It can operate on a different mesh than SPYB, but then its mesh has to be included in the SPYB mesh.
/!\ Reading meshes in parallel FEniCsX is an order-dependant process ! That means that extra care should be taken to always load meshes in the same order - for instance initialising SPYB in the setup
file so that it is always read first ! /!\
Boundary conditions are applied like before.
There's a necessary subtlety when using MUMPS in parallel over a large mesh. It seems to require extra memory, which is configured in helpers.configureKSP
, setting the icntl_14
parameter for working matrix size to be significantly higher than default.
The slowest process here is always the building of a LU preconditioner for the linearised Navier-Stokes L
matrix (which doesn't include a time derivative).
Use SPYP.interpolateBaseflow
given a SPYB
object to accomodate different meshes more easily.
For performance reasons and to accomodate loops, it is necessary to assemble matrices prior a run. Use SPYP.assembleMMatrix
to compute SPYP.M
so that SPYP.assembleLMatrix
for the linearised Navier-Stokes equations given an m
, again without a time derivative.
Eigenvalue computations are performed using SPYP.eigenvalues
around a provided shift sigma
, in number k
. Again, Re
, S
and m
are purely for saving purposes.
To read the eigenvalues and plot them one should use cases/nozzle/src/print/
Eigenvalue calculations is highly dependant on the shift, and sadly it is not possible to leverage both the nice matrix-free properties of the current code and targets like LARGEST_REAL
in SLEPc.
The process is very similar to global temporal stability. The only difference is that an additional routine should be used prior launch SPYP.assembleWBRMatrices
The only reason SPYP.assembleMMatrices
and SPYP.assembleWBRMatrices
are kept seperate is that one needs only the first to perform temporal stability analysis, whereas resolvent analysis needs the two of them to run.
Two indicator functions can be used. indic_f
acts on indic_u
acts on
Launch is done using SPYP.resolvent
specifying number of required modes, list of frequencies and again Re
, S
and m
to print saving strings.
Resolvent analysis is a slow process even in parallel. It's normal to have computations taking more than a minute for several hundred thousands of points, even with over ten processors.
There are more options to print modes. Loading modes is easy with SPYP.readMode
, 2D cuts are named SPYP.saveX
and 3D stuff SPYP.computeX
. Inspiration on how to use these can be found in cases/nozzle/src/print
Careful using isosurfaces, Plotly is capricious and can only handle regular meshes - i.e. stuff from numpy.meshgrid
Because the nondimensionalisation of case cases/nozzle
involves the radius of the jet not its diameter, all printing routines include a multiplication by two of the Strouhal number (dimensionless frequency) to make comparaison with the literature easier.