headlamp-plugin 0.10.0
722 commits
to main
since this release
For those making Headlamp plugins, a new release of the headlamp-plugin tool.
- Latest packages and types matching the Headlamp 0.26.0 release
- New eslint and typescript matching Headlamp
- New package command for creating packages for publishing on artifact hub
- Uses vitest instead of jest
- We attempt to keep backwards and forwards compatibility with plugins, and provide an upgrade command to help migrate code where we can
Upgrading your plugin
To upgrade your plugin from within your plugin folder (after first backing up your folder...) do:
npx @kinvolk/headlamp-plugin ugprade .
headlamp-plugin upgrade [package] Upgrade the plugin to latest
<skip-package-updates> headlamp-plugin; audits, formats,
<headlamp-plugin-version> lints and type checks.<package>
defaults to current working
directory. Can also be a folder of
New package command
To create a package .tar.gz file and print a checksum use the package command:
npm install
npm run build
npx @kinvolk/headlamp-plugin package
Copying "/home/user/dev/headlamp/plugins/examples/app-menus/dist/main.js" to "/tmp/headlamp-plugin-mDMZia/app-menus/main.js".
Copying "/home/user/dev/headlamp/plugins/examples/app-menus/package.json" to "/tmp/headlamp-plugin-mDMZia/app-menus/package.json".
Created tarball: "/home/rene/dev/headlamp/plugins/examples/app-menus/app-menus-0.0.1.tar.gz".
Tarball checksum (sha256): 5772251744730c823046873d8cf3d8b0a9dc372c7c69e97aad00d48afd301d3d
headlamp-plugin package [pluginPath] Creates a tarball of the plugin
[outputDir] package in the format Headlamp