Releases: healthgovau/
Releases · healthgovau/
Release v2.3.1
November 16, 2018
- Fixed some layout issues with contacts
Release v2.3.0
November 6, 2018
- Added the Contacts listing
- Added a toolbar which holds the Listen, Print and Share actions
- Added the Freedom of Information disclosure log
- Improved layout of Last Updated and Tags on mobile
- Improved performance by removing redundant styles
- Upgraded Readspeaker to the latest version
- Improved print versions of pages
- Titles are now limited to 100 characters
- Summaries character limit increased to 300
- Updated the accessibility statement on resources
- Fixed an issue where text would jump around when editing in the WYSIWYG
- Fixed an issue where the Health professionals link on topics was appearing even if that topic didn't have a Health professionals version
- Fixed the video duration covering the video thumbnail on mobile
- Fixed issue with tables not always getting an expanded caption
- Fixed an issue where in some cases last updated on publications was showing when it shouldn't
Release v2.2.1
October 15, 2018
- Some email address were not displaying correctly in search results.
Release v2.2.0
September 25, 2018
- Added fields for authors to capture Visible Thread scores.
- Merged figures into inline images which should reduce confusion when uploading images.
- Improved table accessibility by putting caption, summary and footnotes into the correct table markup.
- Improved performance by removing redundant javascript libraries, javascript code and styles.
- Updated code to meet Drupal coding standards.
- The header top region had some styles attached to it, we have decoupled this so this region can be used for more things.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the filter options (eg General Public) wouldn't have a number next to it.
- Fixed an issue on IE8 where javascript was not loading correctly.
- Fixed an issue where an author could update a live image unintentionally whilst drafting content.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Getting started' cards on topics would lose their card styles and colours.
- Fixed a typo for screen readers in the download links on publications.
- Fixed the feedback button in the footer missing its button styling.
- Fixed the beta tag not lining up with the grid.
Release v2.1.3
September 19, 2018
- Fixed an issue where the date published on content was not updating correctly.
Release v2.1.2
September 14, 2018
- Fixed styling of table of contents on full width layouts.
Release v2.1.1
September 3, 2018
- Small bug fix for character counter when adding content.
Release v2.1.0
August 31, 2018
- Corporate plan
- Content authors will now see a character count for titles and summaries to help keep under the recommended character limits.
- Updated local navigation with Design System side navigation component.
- Administrators can now edit system dates on a per content basis.
- Description fields now have a reduced set of formatting options for content authors to prevent accessibility issues in content.
- Content authors can now use more formatting options for callouts.
- Improved the loading speed of the mobile menu.
- Changed layout of resource pages to give downloads prominence. Added a resource summary too.
- Fixed the display of cards not stacking correctly in IE.
- Fixed some display and layout issues for users on slow internet connections.
Release v2.0.1
Release update - August 13, 2018
- Updated some styling for long documents inline with Design System 3
Release v2.0.0
Release update - August 02, 2018
- Creation of Display Suite layouts to permit application of Bootstrap grid classes via the UI
- Added SASS mixins to deliver responsive headings
- Added card styles to components
- Added simpler feature mechanism
- Added paragraphs to more easily administer high-level pages
- Static content paragraph to support ad-hoc content additions
- Updated theme with Design System v3 packages
- Standardised link colour and behaviour
- Removed SASS extends for the application of Design System styles to components, thus reducing the CSS size
- Site building to more easily apply Design System classes to headings
- Moved styling for many components from CSS to templates
- Removed web fonts
- Made 'back to top' button click target larger and changed the trigger to be lower down the page
- Simplified news, media release and resource horizontal listings
- Updated component spacing based on the @AU-space mixin
- Standardised 'getting started', 'audience' and content type components
- Changed paragraph template to permit nested rows without indenting
- Changed image styles for high-level page listings to provide consistent width and cropping from top