is a Serverless Devs component developed for OpenFunction.
See also Component Model Specification to learn more details about the directory structure and content meanings.
- Build function image locally with pack command-line tool
tool should be installed before runningbuild
- Deploy or remove the function over target Kubernetes context
- upcoming more features ...
Clone the project and try running the sample:
$ git clone https://github.com/openfunction/serverless-devs
$ cd serverless-devs/example
$ s ofn help
ofn component
You can use the component to manage your OpenFunction source and function
custom resources.
$ s <command> <options>
Command List
help Display help information.
build Build function image locally with pack tool.
deploy Deploy or remove the function over target Kubernetes context.
1. A build example. $ s ofn build
2. A deploy example. $ s ofn deploy
3. A remove example. $ s ofn deploy delete
Project home: https://github.com/openfunction/serverless-devs
package: ofn
description: Serverless Devs for OpenFunction
version: 0.1.0
zipball_url: https://registry.devsapp.cn/simple/ofn/zipball/0.1.0