This bundle add a privacy logging entity to contao as required by the European Union's "General Data Protection Regulation" ( GDPR, in German: "Datenschutz-Grundverordnung", DSGVO).
Legal disclaimer
Use this bundle at your own risk. Although we as the developer try our best to design this bundle to fulfill the legal requirements we CAN'T GUARANTEE anything in terms completeness and correctness. Also we don't offer any legal consulting. We strongly encourage you to consult a lawyer if you have any questions or concerns.
- Install with composer or contao manager:
composer require heimrichhannot/contao-privacy-protocol-bundle
- Update database
- Find a new menu entry "Protocol" within the section "Privacy" in the contao backend menu
- Create a new protocol archive and configure it
use HeimrichHannot\PrivacyProtocolBundle\Protocol\PrivacyProtocolLogger;
use HeimrichHannot\PrivacyProtocolBundle\Protocol\ProtocolEntry;
use HeimrichHannot\PrivacyProtocolBundle\Protocol\ProtocolType;
class ExampleController
public function __construct(
private readonly PrivacyProtocolLogger $logger,
) {}
public function __invoke()
// create a new protocol entry
$entry = new ProtocolEntry(
person: ['email' => '[email protected]',],
target: ['dataContainer' => 'tl_mailing_list', 'id' => 43,],
type: ProtocolType::FIRST_OPT_IN,
archiveId: 2,
packageName: 'vendor/example-bundle',
// add an optional description
$entry->description = '[email protected] has subscribed to the mailing list with ID 43.';
- The ProtocolEntry parameters:
person (array)
: An array containing the personal data of the person that is affected by the action, e.g. an email address, a name, (array)
: An array containing information about the target (e.g. a mailing list, subscription list, ...) of the action, e.g. the data container, the id, etc.type (ProtocolType)
: The type of the protocol entry, e.g. first opt-in, opt-in, opt-out, etc.archiveId (int)
: The protocol archive idpackageName (string)
: The package name of the bundle that triggers the protocol entry