Releases: helixge/TbcBank.EcommerceClient.Net
Downgrade to .NET Standard 2.0 to support .NET Framework
Adding required initiator parameter introduced by the TBC regulation.
When the merchant has to cut a certain amount from the client on any given date without the client's approval, it is necessary for the merchant to add an additional parameter (initiator = merchant). -
Adding 'RegisterPreAuthorizationAndGetReoccuringPaymentId' method (command "d").
Adding 'ExecuteReoccurringPreAuthorizationAsync()' method (command "f").
Note: Pre-authorization is the temporary amount blocking operation, which must be followed by a pre-authorization confirmation ('ExecutePreAuthorizationAsync()', command "t") or reversal operation ('ReverseTransactionAsync()', command "r").
In case none of them follow, the system by default will automatically delete the blocked amount after 30 working days. The block period is regulated by the card issuer (Issuer Bank).
Pre-authorization can only be completed within 30 working days, follow the next commands to clarify.