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Engine Upgrade Syntax

Trevor Kollmann edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Engine Upgrade Syntax (BACK) (HOME)

Aerospike Engines (Liquid Fuel)

@PART[toroidalAerospike]:FOR[KiwiTechTree] // T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine
	@TechRequired = experimentalPropulsion
	//@entryCost = 1950
	//@cost = 250
	engineUpgradeType = aerospikeLFO
	engineNumber = 1
	engineNumberUpgrade = 2
	engineName = Dart
	engineNameUpgrade = Dash
	enginePartUpgradeName = dartUpgrade
	name = dartUpgrade
	partIcon = toroidalAerospike
	techRequired = exoticPropulsion
	entryCost = 1
	cost = 0 // for display only; all parts implementing this will need a PartStatsUpgradeModule with cost = this.
	title = Filler
	basicInfo = 20% Increased Thrust, 10% Increased Specific Impulse.
	manufacturer = Kiwi Imagineers
	description = Filler
	@entryCost = #$@PART[toroidalAerospike]/entryCost$
	@title = #$@PART[toroidalAerospike]/title$ Upgrade
	@description = #Our imagineers dreamt about making the $@PART[toroidalAerospike]/engineName$ 20% thrustier and 10% efficientier and have "made it so".
	@description = #$description$ \n\n<color=#ff0000>This engine has an upgrade in $@PARTUPGRADE[dartUpgrade]/techRequired$!</color> 
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