- Christian Schweizer
- Koby Craig
- Liam Cassidy
- Matt Shimizu
- Regan Townsend
- Ryan Henness
Structure and purpose of our Node application components
├── data # Mechanical Engineering static data
│ ├── conversions.json # Relatable conversions
│ ├── foodrecycle.json # Food and recycle conversion table
│ └── transportation.json # Transportation Conversion table
├── routes # Determines how an application responds to a client request
│ ├── pages.js # General application routes, such as the index
│ ├── passport.js # Connects to Passport, which enables Facebook authentication
│ └── pg.js # Connects to our PostgreSQL server hosted by Heroku.com
├── views # Page templates
│ ├── partials # Common components that are included in more than one view, such as a header
│ │ └── bootstrap.ejs # Add Bootstrap for UI elements
│ │ └── navbar.ejs # Navigation bar for each page
│ ├── foodrecycle.ejs # Page for environmental impact from materials and waste methods
│ ├── home.ejs # Home page, displaying user profile and activity feed
│ ├── login.ejs # Page for logging in and setting up the user
│ ├── map.ejs # Transportation page utilizing Google Maps API
│ ├── settings.ejs # Settings page to configure user's car and home info
├── index.js # Initializes application
├── package.json # Defines Node packages needed by application
└── README.md
- Implement Promises for db calls
- Create node package for db functions