There are different ways to get started here:
- Host your own server(Rails API) and Client Application(React) if you have technical knowledge in Web Development
- Register an account in and get familiar with the system
About option 1, I'll be publishing a video soon about how to connect all the pieces in development, stay tuned for that!
I'm planning to create some videos for that purpose, but in the meanwhile,
- Clone the repo
- Open Android Studio
- Configure your Backend API according to your needs, in this file
- Create a new Firebase project in the console and after that create a new SDK app, by following some steps like this
- Then Download your Firebase credentials(google-services.json) and place them within the
folder and the file will look like thisapp/google-services.json
- Rebuild the project without errors(sync project option)
- Generate the APK selecting the variant(prodDebug)
- Upload it into a public hosting provider such as Google Drive, AWS S3, etc
- Install it on your Android Device Get access to your React Application in development so you can get a new activation pin.
Please visit the following site for more details
or you can download them directly from the following S3 bucket:
You can also download the source code and build your own APK version with your own API and Web Client, here are the other repositories for that matter:
- [Rails Backend API](]
- React app application for
For all the HTTP requests Retrofit 2 it's been utilized
- Update the version variables:
- versionCode — A positive integer used as an internal version number.
- versionName — A string used as the version number shown to users.
within app/build.gradle
2. Create a new tag with it eg:
git tag -a v1.2 -m "Generates release app bundle with versionCode 2 and versionName 1.2"
- Push the new tag
git push origin v1.2
- Receiving and intercepting SMS messages
- Full integration with Firebase
- Sending messages
Rails Backend API for