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Releases: hexian000/neosocksd

neosocksd v1.4.1

01 Mar 13:43
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Changes since v1.4:

  1. [server] Tweak overall performance and event priorities.
  2. [ruleset] Fix corner cases and reserve more stack for Lua.
  3. [restapi] Implement the missing successful request counter.
  4. [misc] Refactor for quality improvements.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains script modules, manuals, and sample scripts for this release.
  • -static: does not require dynamic linking at runtime.
  • android, win32: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

ABI: Lua 5.4.7

Full Changelog: v1.4...v1.4.1

neosocksd v1.4

04 Feb 08:43
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Changes since v1.3.5:

  1. [ruleset] Handle proxy requests in asynchronous routine.
  2. [ruleset] Add await.execute.
  3. [server] Refine event watcher priorities.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains script modules, manuals, and sample scripts for this release.
  • -static: does not require dynamic linking at runtime.
  • android, win32: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

ABI: Lua 5.4.7

Full Changelog: v1.3.5...v1.4

neosocksd v1.3.5

01 Jan 01:38
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Changes since v1.3.4:

  1. [ruleset] Add time library and performance recording example.
  2. [ruleset] Refine error handling and API behavior.
  3. [misc] Logging improvements.
  4. [contrib] Sync upstream changes.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains script modules, manuals, and sample scripts for this release.
  • -static: does not require dynamic linking at runtime.
  • android, win32: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

ABI: Lua 5.4.7

Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.3.5

neosocksd v1.3.4

16 Nov 15:05
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Changes since v1.3.3:

  1. [api] Fix graceful shutdown when api client is not finished.
  2. [ruleset] Better traceback format.
  3. [dialer] Fix error handling in proxy URI.
  4. [logging] Log timestamp format now conforming to both ISO8601 and RFC3339.
  5. [util] If debug info is available, handle more signals and print the stack trace of the crash.
  6. [build] Fix incorrect linkage and update dependencies for static build.
  7. [build] More compiler optimizations.
  8. [contrib] Sync upstream changes.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -static: does not require the system to support dynamic linking.
  • android, win32: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

ABI: Lua 5.4.7

Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.3.4

neosocksd v1.3.3

29 Oct 12:29
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Changes since v1.3.2:

  1. [ruleset] Fix memory leak in /ruleset/rpcall.
  2. [ruleset] Faster _G.marshal and encoding improvements.
  3. [agent] Fix connection relay not working.
  4. [restapi] Show summary of API requests in /stats.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -static: does not require the system to support dynamic linking.
  • android, win32: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3

neosocksd v1.3.2

26 Oct 09:33
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Changes since v1.3.1:

  1. [ruleset] Fix random crash caused by await.invoke.
  2. [ruleset] Better CPU time support.
  3. [libruleset] New rule action rule.rewrite and rule.loopback.
  4. [agent] Run route probes concurrently.
  5. [agent] Route requests by host name.
  6. [contrib] Sync upstream changes.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -static: does not require the system to support dynamic linking.
  • android, win32: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2

neosocksd v1.3.1

07 Oct 04:04
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Changes since v1.3:

  1. [restapi] Fix invalid response header in GET /stats.
  2. [libruleset] Fix authentication not working.
  3. [build] Build position-independent executables for x86_64 and aarch64.
  4. [build] Link -gnu builds against glibc-2.31 (instead of glibc-2.36).

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -openwrt, .x86_64-linux-gnu: runtime dependencies should be installed.
  • -static: does not require the system to support dynamic linking.
  • other: requires only the dynamic libraries provided by the system.

Full Changelog: v1.3...v1.3.1

neosocksd v1.3

21 Sep 02:30
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Changes since v1.2.3:

  1. [socks] Support username/password authentication.
  2. [http] Support Proxy-Authorization: Basic.
  3. [dialer] Support client-side proxy authentication.
  4. [ruleset] Invoke RPC in asynchronous routine (await is now available in RPC context).
  5. [ruleset] Improvements in marshal, regex and async.
  6. [restapi] Support specifying chunkname in ruleset APIs.
  7. [forward] Support loading ruleset in forward mode (load balancer).
  8. [transfer] Fix high CPU usage and early EOF in --pipe mode.
  9. [app] Support specifying group name in -u user:group.
  10. [doc] Add agent.lua for autonomous proxy discovery and connection relay.
  11. [build] Make systemd support optional.
  12. [contrib] Update to Lua 5.4.7.
  13. [contrib] Sync upstream changes.
  14. [misc] Logging improvments.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -static: does not require any shared library at runtime.
  • -android, -win32: requires only platform provided libraries.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.3

neosocksd v1.2.3

11 May 10:52
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Changes since v1.2.2:

  1. [resolver] Fix possible crash when name resolution fails.
  2. [ruleset] Fix zlib API not working.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -static: does not require any shared library at runtime.
  • -android, -win32: requires only platform provided libraries.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3

neosocksd v1.2.2

31 Mar 04:56
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Changes since v1.2.1:

  1. [restapi] Fix missing NULL check.
  2. [app] Support specifying group name in -u user:group.
  3. [transfer] In Linux builds, support using pipes to avoid copying between kernel address space and user address space.
  4. [conf] Disable client-side TCP fast open by default. Users should be aware of side effects.

Build variants:

  • neosocksd.noarch.tar.gz: contains manual and example scripts for neosocksd.
  • -static: does not require any shared library at runtime.
  • -android, -win32: requires only platform provided libraries.
  • other: runtime dependencies should be installed.

Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2