项目用到的插件: flutter_localizations: sdk: flutter flutter_redux: ^0.5.2
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 shared_preferences: ^0.4.3
Dart 常用工具类库 https://github.com/Sky24n/common_utils
common_utils: ^1.0.9 fluttertoast: ^2.2.2
Flutter 常用工具类库 https://github.com/Sky24n/flustars
flustars: ^0.1.9 dio: 1.0.9 flutter_cupertino_date_picker: ^0.3.0 camera: git: url: git://github.com/kmorkos/plugins.git ref: camera/crash-fix path: packages/camera/ image_picker: ^0.4.10 path_provider: ^0.4.1 sqflite: ^1.1.0 barcode_scan: ^0.0.8 flutter_image_compress: ^0.2.4 ota_update: ^0.1.3 //版本更新
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