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Repository files navigation

  1. clone this repository
  git clone
  cd hotcrp-docker-compose
  1. clone hotcrp repository
  git clone app
  1. Rename .env.default to .env and edit the file as you wish (in particular set up the SMTP connection information: host, user and password)
  2. start docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
  1. Initialize the database (or use a backup)
docker-compose exec mysql  /bin/sh -c "echo 'ok\nhotcrp\nhotcrppwd\nn\nY\n' | sh /srv/www/api/lib/ --user=root --password=root"
  1. copy the hotcrp configuration and script files
cp -r hotcrp_files/ app/
  1. open localhost:9001

More options

  • If you want to print the deadline in another timezone (default is HST), edit docker/php/php.conf (need to restart) (list of php timezones:
  • To change the port, you can edit docker-compose.yaml (need to restart)
  • You can change more options in the hotcrp config file: app/conf/options.php (no need to restart)
  • You can change or add custom php.ini options in docker/php/php.conf (need to restart)
  • You can change or add custom nginx options in docker/nginx/default.conf (need to restart)

Backups and Restore

Perform a backup:

docker-compose exec -T mysql mysqldump -uhotcrp -photcrppwd hotcrp > backup.sql

To restore:

docker-compose exec -T mysql mysql -uhotcrp -photcrppwd hotcrp < backup.sql

Backup to S3

configure aws cli with your credentials:

docker run --rm -it -v aws:/root/.aws -v $(pwd):/aws amazon/aws-cli configure

then run the following when you want to do a backup:


Update Hotcrp

As said in the hotcrp readme, you can update your hotcrp installation just by running git pull inside the app folder.

Open bash terminal inside a container

docker-compose exec php /bin/bash
docker-compose exec mysql /bin/bash

particularly useful if you want to run mysql cli mysql -proot


An easy docker-compose deployment of hotcrp






  • JavaScript 97.9%
  • PHP 1.9%
  • Other 0.2%