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File metadata and controls

258 lines (139 loc) · 10.9 KB


Env! is a zero depdency toolkit for configuration of the efficient work environments's that follows suckless philosophy.

  • To oprate it requires only bash.
  • Currently focused on on ArchLinux distribution


How To

  1. Check window props:
  1. Check key codes of pressed keys
xev | grep 'keycode'

Pure Gold


Core Utils
  • roxterm - A highly configurable terminal emulator

  • fzf - Command-line fuzzy finder

du -a | awk '{print $2}'  | fzf
  • entr - Run arbitrary commands when files change
echo ~/.bashrc | entr notify-send "updated"
  • htop - Interactive process viewer / Htop explianed

  • glances - CLI curses-based monitoring tool

  • ncdu - Disk usage analyzer with an ncurses interface

  • nmap - Utility for network discovery and security auditing

  • duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility

 • • •  $ duf
│ 5 local devices                                                                                │
│ MOUNTED ON │    SIZE │   USED │  AVAIL │              USE%             │ TYPE │ FILESYSTEM     │
│ /          │   88.0G │  15.8G │  67.7G │ [###.................]  18.0% │ ext4 │ /dev/nvme0n1p3 │
│ /boot      │ 1022.0M │  64.2M │ 957.8M │ [#...................]   6.3% │ vfat │ /dev/nvme0n1p1 │
│ /home      │  532.3G │ 445.2G │  60.0G │ [################....]  83.6% │ ext4 │ /dev/nvme0n1p6 │
│ /opt       │   88.0G │   6.6G │  76.9G │ [#...................]   7.5% │ ext4 │ /dev/nvme0n1p5 │
│ /var       │  202.7G │ 126.4G │  65.9G │ [############........]  62.4% │ ext4 │ /dev/nvme0n1p4 │
│ 5 special devices                                                                               │
│ MOUNTED ON     │  SIZE │   USED │ AVAIL │              USE%             │ TYPE     │ FILESYSTEM │
│ /dev           │ 11.7G │     0B │ 11.7G │                               │ devtmpfs │ dev        │
│ /dev/shm       │ 11.7G │   1.3G │ 10.4G │ [##..................]  10.9% │ tmpfs    │ tmpfs      │
│ /run           │ 11.7G │   2.4M │ 11.7G │ [....................]   0.0% │ tmpfs    │ run        │
│ /run/user/1000 │  2.3G │  56.0K │  2.3G │ [....................]   0.0% │ tmpfs    │ tmpfs      │
│ /tmp           │ 11.7G │ 196.2M │ 11.5G │ [....................]   1.6% │ tmpfs    │ tmpfs      │

  • joplin - Joplin - a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities


  • xmonad - the tilling window manager that rocks
Core Utils
  • qutebrowser A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5

  • obs - Open Broadcast

  • krita - Edit and paint images

  • kdenlive - Non-linear video editor for Linux using the MLT video framework

  • zenmap - GUI interface for nmap - network discovery and security auditing

  • zeal - An offline API documentation browser

  • keepassx - Password manager

==== CLEAN UP =====


Minimalist free software projects with a focus on simplicity, clarity, and frugality. Tiling window managers, console or ncurses programs that are said to adhere strictly to the UNIX philosophy of "doing one thing and doing it well."


Curretnly Env! does not support Archlinux base installaltions phase.

  • Archlinux base base-devel instalaltion
  • Working xorg, you need to be able to launch startx


Clone project: git clone

Base setup: make base

Current state

![Screen] (screen.png)



  • base - base stack: xmonad, dzen2, dmenu, dunst, roxterm, gtk, slim, ... : @install-base ** neofetch - A CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images.

  • ext - extended stack - basic linux componenets: xmonad, dzen2, dmenu, dunst, roxterm, gtk, slim, ... : @install-ext

  • dev - developer stack: jdk, java, scala, ... : @install-dev

Hardware addons:

Suckless programs



Detailed description


Xmonad - Tiling window manager ...
  • mod: windows key
Base laout
	 │  w1 │  w2 │  w3 │  w4 │  w5 │  w6 │  w7 │  w8 │  w9 │  w10│  w11│  w12│  w13┃          ┃
	 │ `   │ 1   │ 2   │ 3   │ 4   │ 5   │ 6   │ 7   │ 8   │ 9   │ 0   │ -   │ =   ┃ ⌫        ┃
	 ┃        ┃close│     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │dmenu│     │ }   │ |     │
	 ┃ ↹      ┃ q   │ w   │ e   │ r   │ t   │ y   │ u   │ i   │ o   │ p   │ [   │ ]   │ \     │
	 ┃         ┃     │     │     │ full│     │     │     │     │     │     │     ┃ terminal   ┃
	 ┃ ⇬       ┃ a   │ s   │ d   │ f   │ g   │ h   │ j   │ k   │ l   │ ;   │ '   ┃ ⏎          ┃
	 ┃            ┃     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     │     ┃               ┃
	 ┃ ⇧          ┃ z   │ x   │ c   │ v   │ b   │ n   │ m   │ ,   │ .   │ /   ┃ ⇧             ┃
	 ┃       ┃ *mod* ┃       ┃         layout                 ┃       ┃       ┃       ┃       ┃
	 ┃ Ctrl  ┃ super ┃ Alt   ┃ Space                          ┃ AltGr ┃ super ┃ menu  ┃ Ctrl  ┃
  • mod- to mod-=: workspace w1,w2,...,w13
  • mod-space: layout change
  • mod-f: window fullscreen

Xmonad setup

xmonad --recompile
xmonad --recstart


Dzen icons

Sm4tik icons icons pack ![Sm4tik icons] (meta/sm4tik.png)