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User Manual: Settings

hihain edited this page Jul 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Data and Storage

Proxy Settings

See: Proxy

Stickers and Masks

Play Sticker Animation

If disabled, stickers will be static within chats.

Previews will still play. You can view a preview by right clicking (long tap on touch devices) in the stickers panel. On Continuum you can get a preview by just left clicking and holding for some time. There are also previews you may see by long left click (long tap on touch devices) on a sticker in the sticker pack overview and also in the autosuggestion for stickers if you entered an emoji in a chat.

Repeat Animation

If disabled, stickers stop being animated after one cycle. They will be animated again once you scoll away and become visible again.

Previews are not affected by this setting.

Chat Settings

Message text size

Auto-Night Mode

This setting changes your theme depending on the time on Unigram Mobile startup. The theme does not change automatically on a running Unigram Mobile instance.


Show Formatting Buttons

Shows buttons for text formatting and creating links below the chat input.


Autocorrect misspelled words

Same setting as in Windows settings, but only affects the keyboard within the Unigram Mobile application. Be aware: You cannot activate this setting only for Unigram Mobile if it is already switched off system wide.

Highlight misspelled words

Same setting as in Windows settings, but only affects the keyboard within the Unigram Mobile application. Be aware: You cannot activate this setting only for Unigram Mobile if it is already switched off system wide.

Notifications and Sounds

Badge Counter

Count Unread Messages

This option decides whether a badge counter is shown on the live tile. You may decide to deactivate the badge if you are unhappy with the update rate that is decided by Windows 10 and may depend on your device' energy profile, your total number of tiles and if Unigram Mobile is running or not. Unigram Mobile updates the badge every time the number changes (incoming messages, etc.), but has absolutely no control on actual UI updates. Sorry.

Include Muted Chats

Additionally shows the unread messages of muted chats.