SaltStack Cheat Sheet .. My collection of often used commands on my Salt master.
This list is partly inspired by the fine lists on:
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- SaltStack Cheat Sheet
- First things first : Documentation
- Minions
- Jobs in Salt
- Sysadmin specific
- Salt Cloud
This is important because the help system is very good.
salt '*' sys.doc # output sys.doc (= all documentation)
salt '*' sys.doc pkg # only sys.doc for pkg module
salt '*' sys.doc network # only sys.doc for network module
salt '*' sys.doc system # only sys.doc for system module
salt '*' sys.doc status # only sys.doc for status module
- SaltStack documentation:
- Salt-Cloud:
- Jobs:
You can also use several commands to check if minions are alive and kicking but I prefer manage.status/up/down.
salt-run manage.status # What is the status of all my minions? (both up and down)
salt-run manage.up # Any minions that are up?
salt-run manage.down # Any minions that are down?
salt-run manage.alived # Show all alive minions
salt '*' test.version # Display salt version
salt '*' # Use test module to check if minion is up and responding.
# (Not an ICMP ping!)
Apply a specific state file to a (group of..) minion(s). Do not use the .sls extension. (just like in the state files!)
salt '*' state.sls mystatefile # mystatefile.sls will be applied to *
salt 'minion1' state.sls prod.somefile # prod/somefile.sls will be applied to minion1
List all grains on all minions
salt '*'
Look at a single grains item to list the values.
salt '*' grains.item os # Show the value of the OS grain for every minion
salt '*' grains.item roles # Show the value of the roles grain for every minion
Manipulate grains.
salt 'minion1' grains.setval mygrain True # Set mygrain to True (create if it doesn't exist yet)
salt 'minion1' grains.delval mygrain # Delete the value of the grain
Some jobs operations that are often used. (
salt-run # get list of active jobs
salt-run jobs.list_jobs # get list of historic jobs
salt-run jobs.lookup_jid <job id number> # get details of this specific job
Some stuff that is specifically of interest for sysadmins.
salt 'minion-x-*' system.reboot # Let's reboot all the minions that match minion-x-*
salt '*' status.uptime # Get the uptime of all our minions
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades # get a list of packages that need to be upgrade
salt '*' pkg.upgrade # Upgrades all packages via apt-get dist-upgrade (or similar)
salt '*' pkg.version bash # get current version of the bash package
salt '*' pkg.install bash # install or upgrade bash package
salt '*' pkg.install bash refresh=True # install or upgrade bash package but
# refresh the package database before installing.
salt '*' service.status <service name>
salt '*' service.available <service name>
salt '*' service.start <service name>
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Do some network stuff on your minions.
salt 'minion1' network.ip_addrs # Get IP of your minion
salt 'minion1' <hostname> # Ping a host from your minion
salt 'minion1' network.traceroute <hostname> # Traceroute a host from your minion
salt 'minion1' network.get_hostname # Get hostname
salt 'minion1' network.mod_hostname # Modify hostname
Salt Cloud is used to provision virtual machines in the cloud. (surprise!) (
salt-cloud -p profile_do my-vm-name -l debug # Provision using profile_do as profile
# and my-vm-name as the virtual machine name while
# using the debug option.
salt-cloud -d my-vm-name # destroy the my-vm-name virtual machine.
salt-cloud -u # Update salt-bootstrap to latest develop version on GitHub.