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Repository files navigation

(One time setup)

0. Clone the repository to THIS_REPOSITORY

1. Install nodejs (and npm):

   On Ubuntu:

   sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get install nodejs

   On Mac:

   brew install nodejs

2. Setup requirements:

   On Ubuntu:

   a. Create an empty folder ~/.npm-packages and a file ~/.npmrc with one line:
      prefix = ${HOME}/.npm-packages

   b. Add export PATH=${HOME}/.npm-packages/bin:${PATH} to ~/.bashrc
      (Open a new terminal window to reflect this new PATH and)

   On Ubuntu and Mac:

   c. npm install -g bower grunt-cli

      npm install
      bower install

(As you're making edits)


2. Pull a recent version of the repository

3. grunt serve

4. At this point, making edits will refresh automatically on your
   browser. You then commit interesting things, etc.

(When you're ready to build and deploy)


2. grunt build && rsync -aPvhe ssh --delete dist/* [email protected]:/home/femtable/

(Danger: Note that the above has a --delete, which means poke through
dist/ to make sure things look good before running the command above.)