If running docker-compose up
shows an error or blank page when visiting localhost:8000, check if the vendor folder was created.
If this is not the case:
- Run
composer install
- If step 1 yields an error, run
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
- Composer should finish succesfully, the vendor directory should appear
- Visiting localhost:8000 should now show the expected site OR a permission denied error.
- Incase of a permission denied error: make sure the owner of the local repository and all files in it is the group www-data.
sudo chown -R www-data barebone-yii
*** WARNING *** When executing these permission changes, you MUST either exclude the data folder or delete it and have MYSQL remake it on the next docker-compose up
due to permission changes which prevent executing migrations (error 13)
- Dont forget to create your own db.php from the db.php.template!
- To run migrations:
docker exec -it barebone-yii_php_1 bash
, thenphp yii migrate/up
. To exit the container:exit