An Open Source Podcast client. I've released a first alpha version. It still has a lot of bugs. See my announcement in the discussion area.
- add podcast via URL
- refresh podcast content via Button
- refresh all with pull to refresh
- download episodes
- show download progress
- delete files
- update UI after file deleted
- implement automatic background downloads
- remove all files when one episode is deleted (including downloaded images)
- if Playlist contains episode, move it to the front/end instead of adding another copy
- play / pause
- skip forward / backward
- make time adjustable
- jump to chapter
- Chapter marks
- m4a
- mp3
- extracted from shownotes
- include chapter art for mp3/m4a
- include chapter links for mp3/m4a
- download images during postprocessing
- save last played episode and reload when opening the app
- OPML import
- to be validated with big file
- Show import progress
- Handle no longer existing feeds (HTTP Status 404, 500, 410 oder 200 but HTML and no XML)
- podcast directory search
- iTunes Directory Search (basic)
- auto download/refresh feeds
- skip manually selected chapters
- sleep timer
- play next queue
- set playbackspeed
- (per podcast)
- nice UI
- nice Logo
- nice name - Raúl
- CarPlay
- OPML export
- Fyyd Directory Search
- Fyyd recomendations
- accept opml from share sheet
- accept rss / xml from share sheet
- accept any URL that could be a feed
- Automatic deletion of files
- Based on last x files
- Based on time passed since release
- Notification after refresh
- skip detection
- share Episode
- from play now screen
- from episode view screen
- (including Playposition if possible)
##1.1 min requirements
- Sideloads via iCloud Drive
- custom playlists
##1.x requirements
- Transkripts
- Apple Watch App
- remove tracking information from URLs
- share little videos from episodes for social media