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Misterhouse on DD WRT with Optware
- Misterhouse on DD-WRT with Optware**
__**Adding a non-Root User**__ Optware add packages ipkg install whoami for mkpasswd ipkg install adduser to add user Discussion The files passwd and group are located in /tmp/etc, which is ram (and lost on reboot). Running adduser adds a user row to the passwd file, but does not implement a password. For example, adduser carl adds the row **carl:*:1000:100:carl:/opt/home/carl:/bin/sh to /tmp/etc/passwd.** To add a password for the new user, run mkpasswd -m md5 yourpasswdhere, copy the resulting output and paste it into the password field in **/tmp/etc/passwd** with vi or your favorite solution: **carl:$1$ePWKAcpI$unqZlptY6rDu6/:1000:100:carl:/opt/home/carl:/bin/sh** Group management is also a bit limited. For compatibility with my openSUSE desktop, which I use to manage my RT-N16, I edited the original user:group for my new user from 1000:1000 to 1000:100 in file passwd. I then edited in a row to the file **/tmp/etc/group** **users:x:100:** With these modifications in place, I was able to log in as user carl over an ssh connection. Automation: To deal with the passwd and group files being volitile, I made copies in a location on my HDD. I then created the following startup script
root@RT-N16_2:/opt/etc/init.d# ll S60fix_user_and_group_cjm
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 326 Dec 16 12:32 S60fix_user_and_group_cjm**
- #!/bin/sh**
- SCRIPT=${0##*/}**
- optlog "${SCRIPT}" "copying passwd and group files to enable user login"**
- #cjm Multiusr fixup for Optware**
- #This script copies the manually created files to /tmp/etc where dd-wrt expects to find them**
- cp /opt/home/carl/bin/passwd /tmp/etc/passwd**
- cp /opt/home/carl/bin/group /tmp/etc/group**
- exit 0**
__**Adding Misterhouse**__ Following the Misterhouse Installation Wiki, I installed a current SVN of the Misterhouse code in my user directory /opt/home/carl/Misterhouse.
- Perl **
- perl - 5.8.8-24 - Practical Extraction and Report Language.**
- perl-compress-zlib - 1.42-3 - Compress-Zlib - Interface to zlib compression library.**
- perl-gd - 2.35-2 - GD - Interface to Gd Graphics Library**
- perl-html-parser - 3.60-1 - A collection of modules that parse and extract information from HTML documents.**
- perl-html-tagset - 3.04-4 - This module contains data tables useful in dealing with HTML.**
- perl-io-multiplex - 1.09-1 - IO-Multiplex - Manage IO on many file handles**
- perl-io-socket-ssl - 0.999-1 - IO-Socket-SSL - Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET**
- perl-io-string - 1.08-2 - IO-String - Emulate file interface for in-core strings.**
- perl-io-stringy - 2.110-2 - IO-stringy - I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays**
- perl-io-zlib - 1.09-1 - IO-Zlib - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib.**
- perl-libwww - 5.825-1 - libwww-perl - The World-Wide Web library for Perl**
- perl-net-ssleay - 1.30-1 - Net_SSLeay - Perl extension for using OpenSSL**
- perl-timedate - 1.16-1 - A date and time module for perl.**
- perl-uri - 1.35-3 - URI - <module_description></span></module_description>**
- Two kernel modules need to be manually installed
- mknode must be run to set up the /dev interface
- The permissions on the new node must be adjusted to give my non-root user access to the PLM.
Note: The Optware package modutils does not run on kernel 2.6 so we have limited module manipulation functions to work with from Busybox. root@RT-N16_2:/opt/etc/init.d# ll S60modutils_cjm
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1511 Dec 16 12:37 S60modutils_cjm**
- #!/bin/sh**
- SCRIPT=${0##*/}**
- #cjm**
- #This script hacked by starting with S01modutils from the modutils package which does not run on kernel 2.6 on dd-wrt**
- # script to manually load additional modules at boot**
- PATH="/opt/sbin:/opt/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"**
- optlog "${SCRIPT}" "Inserting ftdi and serial modules and doing mknode and permissions fixup cjm"**
- # Load kernel modules provided by the dd-wrt distribution - they don't auto load**
- insmod /lib/modules/**
- insmod /lib/modules/**
- # Although dmesg shows the ftdi serial interface(the device used in the PLM) connected to ttyUSB0 after above, a node does not get created**
- # create a node**
- mknod /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 c 188 0**
- # mknod creates the node with permissions CRW-R--R--**
- # we want a user to be able to access it, so add permissions**
- chmod 666 /dev/usb/ttyUSB0**
- exit 0**
- Misterhouse**
Note: Optware does not have a daemon command for kernel 2.26.
root@RT-N16_2:/opt/etc/init.d# ll S99cjm_misterhouse
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2781 Dec 16 12:54 S99cjm_misterhouse**
- lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Dec 15 20:20 K99cjm_misterhouse -> S99cjm_misterhouse**
- #!/bin/sh**
- NAME=Misterhouse**
- # The above will identify this script to the Optware service mechanism**
- #**
- # mrHouse This shell script takes care of starting and stopping **
- # MisterHouse Home Automation Software.**
- [-x] || exit 0**
- PIDFILE=/opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/cjm_local/data/mh.pid**
- LOCKFILE=/opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/cjm_local/data/mh.lock**
- DESC="Misterhouse "**
- prog=mh**
- export mh_parms=/opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/cjm_local/mh.private_cjm.ini**
- RETVAL=0**
- #cjm how were we called?**
- if [-z] ; then**
- case `echo "$0" | sed 's:^.*/\(.*\):\1:g'` in**
- S??*) rc="start" ;;**
- K??*) rc="stop" ;;**
- *) rc="usage" ;;**
- esac**
- else**
- rc="$1"**
- fi**
- start () {**
- # start daemon**
- export LANG=en_US**
- cd /opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/mh/bin/**
- #daemon --user=carl --pidfile=$PIDFILE --stdout=/opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/cjm_local/data/logs/cjm_mh.out /opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/mh/bin/mh &**
- sudo -u carl mh_parms=/opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/cjm_local/mh.private_cjm.ini nohup /opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/mh/bin/mh > /opt/home/carl/Misterhouse/cjm_local/data/logs/cjm_mh.out &**
- RETVAL=$?**
- echo -n $"Starting $prog: "**
- echo**
- [$RETVAL] && touch $LOCKFILE**
- return $RETVAL**
- }**
- stop () {**
- # stop daemon**
- #killproc /opt/home/carl/Misterhous/mh/bin/mh**
- kill `cat $PIDFILE`**
- RETVAL=$?**
- echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "**
- echo**
- [$RETVAL] && rm -f $LOCKFILE**
- return $RETVAL**
- }**
- restart () {**
- stop**
- sleep 5**
- start **
- RETVAL=$?**
- return $RETVAL**
- }**
- # Based on how we were called. **
- case "$rc" in**
- start)**
- start**
- ;;**
- stop)**
- stop**
- ;;**
- status)**
- echo -n "Status of $DESC: "**
- if [!]; then**
- echo "$NAME is not running."**
- exit 3**
- fi**
- if read pid < "$PIDFILE" && ps -p "$pid" > /dev/null 2>&1; then**
- echo "$NAME is running."**
- exit 0**
- else**
- echo "$NAME is not running but $PIDFILE exists."**
- exit 1**
- fi**
- ;;**
- restart)**
- restart**
- ;;**
- *)**
- echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"**
- RETVAL=1**
- esac**
- exit $RETVAL**