An Android app and Tauri plugins that provide an integrated approach for running Holochain apps on mobile devices. This includes:
- An Android app for managing a system-wide Holochain conductor running as an Android Foreground Service. The Foreground Service can run persistently, even when the app is closed, ensuring that you can be a reliable contributor to the peer-to-peer networks of your apps.
- A Tauri plugin used by that Android app under-the-hood, for managing the system-wide Holochain conductor service.
- A Tauri plugin for your p2p-shipyard scaffolded app, so that it uses the system-wide Holochain conductor service, rather than bundling its own conductor.
This project currently uses a 3rd party library p2p-shipyard under-the-hood, which is licensed as Source-Available. To use it in your own project, you will need a p2p-shipyard license.
An Android app for managing a Holochain conductor running as a foreground service. Start & stop the Holochain service, view installed hApps, uninstall hApps.
Uses the tauri-plugin-holochain-service under-the-hood to run a Holochain conductor as an android service.
A Tauri plugin for building Android apps that run a Holochain conductor as an Foreground Service
A Tauri plugin for building Android apps that make use of the android-service-runtime Android app, instead of bundling their own conductor.
A Kotlin library containing a client class and types needed for connecting to the HolochainService in[tauri-plugin-holochain-service].
A slim wrapper around holochain Conductor with calls wrapping some AdminInterfaceApi requests. It currently only implements calls for the requests needed in this project.
A wrapper around holochain-conductor-runtime with types compatible with Uniffi-generated FFI bindings, to facilitate usage of the crate in Kotlin code.