Syng is concurrent separation logic with propositional ghost state, fully mechanized in Agda.
Syng supports propositional ghost state, which brings powerful expressivity,
just like an existing separation logic Iris
(Jung et al., 2015).
Notably, Syng supports propositional invariants (a.k.a. impredicative
But in contrast to Iris's fully semantic approach, Syng models the propositional ghost state simply using the logic's syntax (for propositions and judgments).
As a result, while Iris suffers from step indexing everywhere, Syng is not
step-indexed at all.
Thanks to that, Syng has intuitive, easy-to-extend semantics and can flexibly
support termination-sensitive program reasoning.
Syng is mechanized in Agda, a
modern, dependently typed programming language.
Agda is chosen here rather than Coq,
Lean, etc., because Agda has excellent support
of coinduction enabled by
sized types,
and Syng's approach takes great advantage of that.
Just install Agda.
Syng is known to work with Agda
Syng has no dependencies on external libraries.
For viewing and editing Agda code, you can use Agda mode for Emacs or VS Code.
When you open an Agda file, you should first load the file (Ctrl-c Ctrl-l
Emacs and VS Code), which loads and type-checks the contents of the file and
its dependencies.
Also, you can quickly jump to the definition (Meta-.
in Emacs and F12
in VS
Code) of any identifiers, including those that use symbols.
Syng's source code uses a lot of Unicode characters.
To render them beautifully, we recommend you use monospace Unicode fonts that
support these characters, such as the following:
- JuliaMono ― Has a huge Unicode cover, including all the characters used in Syng's source code.
- Menlo ― Is preinstalled
on Mac and pretty beautiful. Doesn't support some characters (e.g.,
For example, in VS Code, you can use the following setting (in settings.json
to use Menlo as the primary font and fill in some gaps with JuliaMono.
"editor.fontFamily": "Menlo, JuliaMono"
You can learn Agda's language features from the official document.
Here are notable features used in Syng.
- Sized types ― Enable flexible coinduction and induction, especially in combination with thunks and shrunks.
- With-abstractions ― Allow case analysis on calculated values.
- Copatterns ― Get access to a component of records like a pattern.
- Record modules ―
Extend record types with derived notions, effectively used by the type
In the folder src
is the Agda source code for Syng.
In Base/
is a general-purpose library (though newly developed
for Syng).
Some of them re-export Agda's built-in libraries, possibly with renaming.
The library consists of the following parts.
- Basics ―
for universe levels;Func
for functions;Few
for two-, one- and zero-element sets;Eq
for equality;Dec
for decidability;Acc
for accessibility;Size
for sizes (modeling ordinals), thunks and shrunks. - Data types ―
for Booleans;Zoi
for zoi (zero, one, or infinity) numbers;Option
for option types;Prod
for sigma and product types;Sum
for sum types;Nat
for natural numbers;Natp
for positive natural numbers;List
for singly linked lists;Seq
for infinite sequences;Str
for characters and strings;Ratp
for positive rational numbers. - Misc ―
for syntactic sets.
In Syng/
is the heart of Syng, which consists of the
following parts.
― The target language of Syng.Logic/
― The syntax of the separation logic Syng.Prop
for propositions;Judg
for judgments.Core
for core proof rules;Names
for the name set token;Fupd
for the fancy update;Hor
for the Hoare triple;Heap
for the heap;Ind
for the indirection modality and the precursors;Inv
for the propositional invariant;Lft
for the lifetime;Bor
for the borrow;Ub
for the upper bound.Paradox
for paradoxes on plausible proof rules.Example
for examples.
― The semantic model and soundness proof of Syng.ERA/
― Environmental resource algebras (ERAs), for modeling the ghost state of Syng.Base
for the basics of the ERA;All
for the dependent-map ERA;Bnd
for the bounded-map ERA;Fin
for the finite-map ERA.- Basic ERAs ―
for the zoi ERA;Exc
for the exclusive ERA;Ag
for the agreement ERA;FracAg
for the fractional agreement ERA. - Tailored ERAs ―
for the heap ERA;Names
for the name set ERA;Ind
for the indirection ERAs;Inv
for the invariant ERA;Lft
for the lifetime ERA;Bor
for the borrow ERA;Ub
for the upper bound ERA. - Global ERA ―
for the global ERA.
― The semantic model of the propositions and the semantic soundness of the pure sequent.Base
for the core semantic logic connectives;Smry
for the map summary;Names
for the name set token;Heap
for the heap-related tokens;Lft
for the lifetime-related tokens;Ub
for the upper bound-related tokens.Basic
for basic propositions;Ind
for the indirection modality and precursors;Inv
for the invariant-related tokens;Bor
for the borrow-related tokens.Interp
for the semantics of all the propositions;Sound
for the semantic soundness and adequacy of the logic's pure sequent.
― The semantic model and soundness proof of the fancy update.Base
for the general fancy update;Ind
for the fancy update on the indirection modality and precursors;Inv
for the fancy update on the propositional invariant;Bor
for the fancy update on the borrow.Interp
for interpreting the fancy update;Sound
for the semantic soundness and adequacy of the logic's fancy update sequent.
― The semantic model and soundness proof of the Hoare triples.Wp
for the semantic weakest preconditions;Lang
for language-specific lemmas on the weakest preconditions;Heap
for semantic fancy update and weakest precondition lemmas for the heap.Adeq
for the adequacy of the semantic weakest preconditions.Sound
for the semantic soundness and adequacy of the logic's Hoare triple.
We also have All
for just importing all the relevant
parts of Syng.
As the meta-logic of Syng, we use Agda, under the option
--without-K --sized-types
, without any extra axioms.
Our meta-logic has the following properties.
- We use only predicative universes and don't use any impredicative
universes like Coq's
. - We don't use any classical or choice axioms.
- We don't use the axiom K, an axiom incompatible with the univalence axiom.
- We don't use any proof-irrelevant types like types in Coq's
. - We use sized types for flexible coinduction and induction.
- Although some concerns about Agda's soundness around sized types exist, the semantics of sized types are pretty clear in theory. In Syng's mechanization, we use sized types carefully, avoiding unsoundness.
Syng has two types of Hoare triples, partial and total.
The partial Hoare triple allows coinductive reasoning but does not ensure
The total Hoare triple allows only inductive reasoning and thus ensures
In step-indexed logics like Iris, roughly speaking, a Hoare triple can only
be partial.
They strip one later modality ▷
off per program step, which destines their
reasoning to be coinductive, due to Löb induction.
This makes termination verification in such logics fundamentally challenging.
Let's see this more in detail.
Suppose the target language has an expression constructor ▶
, such that ▶ e
reduces to e
in one program step.
We have the following Hoare triple rule for ▶
in step-indexed logics like
Iris, because one later modality is stripped off per program step.
▷ { P } e { Q } ⊢ { P } ▶ e { Q }
Intuitively, ▷ P
, P
under the later modality ▷
, means that P
after one logical step.
Also, suppose we can make a vacuous loop ▶ ▶ ▶ …
of ▶
By the rule for ▶
, we get the following lemma on ▶ ▶ ▶ …
▷ { P } ▶ ▶ ▶ … { Q } ⊢ { P } ▶ ▶ ▶ … { Q }
On the other hand, a step-indexed logic has the following rule called Löb induction.
▷ P ⊢ P
⊢ P
If we can get P
assuming ▷ P
(or intuitively, P
after one logical step),
then we can get just P
Combining Löb induction with the previous lemma, we can have a Hoare triple for
▶ ▶ ▶ …
without any premise.
⊢ { P } ▶ ▶ ▶ … { Q }
This means that the Hoare triple is partial, not total, as executing the loop
▶ ▶ ▶ …
does not terminate.
Essentially, this is due to coinduction introduced by the later modality.
For this reason, Iris does not generally support termination verification.
Transfinite Iris (Spies et al.,
2021), a variant of Iris with step-indexing over ordinal numbers, supports time
credits with ordinals for termination verification.
However, to use this, one should do careful math of ordinals, which is a
demanding task and formally requires classical and choice axioms.
On the other hand, our logic, Syng, simply provides the total Hoare triple
with inductive deduction, thanks to being non-step-indexed.
Remarkably, termination verification in Syng can take advantage of Agda's
termination checker, which is handy, flexible and expressive.
Because Syng is not step-indexed, it has the potential to verify liveness properties of programs in general, not just termination.
To demonstrate this, the current version of Syng has the infinite Hoare
It ensures that an observable event occurs an infinite number of times in any
execution of the program.
This property, apparently simple, is actually characterized as the mixed fixed
point, or more specifically, the greatest fixed point over the least fixed
For the infinite Hoare triple, usually the hypothesis can be used only
inductively, but when the event is triggered, the hypothesis can be used
In this way, this judgment is defined coinductively-inductively, which
naturally ensures an infinite number of occurrences of the event.
As a future extension, Syng can be combined with the approach of
Simuliris (Gäher et
al., 2022).
Syng is a logic for verifying fair termination preservation (i.e.,
preservation of termination under any fair thread scheduling) of various
optimizations of concurrent programs.
Fair termination preservation is an applicable but tricky property, modeled
For this reason, Simuliris is built on a non-step-indexed variant of Iris,
which has given up any kind of propositional ghost state, including
propositional invariants.
We can build a logic for fair termination preservation with propositional
ghost state, simply by fusing Simuliris with our logic Syng.