This controller is used for variable voltage transformator TAMINI-TES (I called it "VARIX"). This transformer has big advantage - there is no sliding (mechanical) contact in the secondary windings.
The main demand is very accurate voltage regulation without windings position encoders and with very noised voltage measurement.
After investigation I found that the best controller is state-space controller with Kalman observer (filter).
See a script 'varix-calc-params.sce' is using to get parameters. The Scilab has been used as engineering enviroment.
- minimal voltage [V]
- maximal voltage [V]
- minimal position of windings [mm]
- maximal position of windings [mm]
- translation factor [mm/360 deg]
- motor/drive time lag [s]
- nominal motor speed [1/min]
- dynamic model maitrices : A, B, C
- Kalman observer/filter gain : Lk
- SS-controller feedback gain matrix and setpoint gain: Ks, Nc
The controller has been implemented for the S7-1500 (TIA-Portal V14). See file 'VARI_CONTX2.scl'.