This is a fork of
oh-my-zsh Powerline style Theme
This is a modified two-line version: one for information, one for input.
Dim colored version is modified by Howar31.
zsh installation instruction in [Howar31 blog] ( .
Original version:
Modified two-line version:
- This version not only modified the color scheme but also used variables to manage colors for future easily modification.
- Due to my own environment settings, I've disabled the ruby features in this theme. To re-enable them, just simply remove the "#" in front of the lines in the function.
- Z shell (zsh) and oh-my-zsh
- See oh-my-zsh for more info.
- Installing zsh/oh-my-zsh on Linux(Ubuntu), see Howar31's blog for more info.
- Patched font for fancy symbols
- Vim Powerline patched font : See Powerline for vim for more info.
- Patch your font for your self.
- Or use the included patched font Monaco "Monaco_Linux-powerline.ttf".
Clone the repository.
Create un symlink of powerline.zsh-theme in .oh-my-zsh/themes/.
ln -s directory_of_theme/powerline.zsh-theme .oh-my-zsh/themes/
Configure the theme in your .zshrc file :
- Change the font of your terminal to the patched font.
- Example for iTerm:
> change the font
- Example for iTerm:
- Done, configuration on Mac is easy.
See Tom Ryder's blog for more detail.
>Terminal details
>Terminal-type string
>General options for colour usage
checkAllow terminal to use xterm 256-colour mode
- Testing wether the 256-color setting is working or not
$ for color in $(seq 0 255); do > tput setaf $color && echo -n "test" > done
>Character set translation
>Remote character set
>Font settings
- Change the font to patched font.
- Check
Allow selection of variable-pitch fonts
if you cannot find your font in the list.
Done, remember to save your settings as Saved Sessions.