This section describes how to create the demo that was shown on BrightTalk (demo starts around 32 mins 10 seconds).
- The concepts demonstrated in this project are not suitable for production environments.
- This project is for frequently creating and tearing down demo/trial environments.
- This project is not for creating and managing long-living demo/trial environments.
- Please read the project license before using this project.
The following installed locally:
- Terraform - installation instructions|downloads
- AWS CLI - installation instructions
This project has been tested on Linux and OSX client machines - Windows is unlikely to work.
# If you haven't already configured the aws CLI with your credentials, run the following:
aws configure
# clone this project
git clone https://github.com/hpe-container-platform-community/df-edge-demo-terraform
cd df-edge-demo-terraform
# create a copy
cp ./etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars_example ./etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars
# edit to reflect your requirements - read the comments in the file!
vi ./etc/bluedata_infra.tfvars
# initialise terraform
terraform init
./bin/terraform_apply.sh # answer yes when prompted
If you hit errors such as the following, restart the cluster and retry again:
Security is not enabled on the cluster: edge1.enterprise.org. Running maprlogin will not login. If you think security should be enabled - please check your cluster configuration.
You can restart the cluster with:
- This requires an account on https://mapr.com/user - create one if you don't have one already.
Enter mapr.com credentials when prompted
Verify the license with (ensure the expiry date is set and has not passed):
- if this step fails, manually register the license in the MCS UI - you can retrieve the MCS UI with
- Open a New terminal, then run
An error similar to the following indicates the enterprise license has not been applied to the clusters:
ERROR (95) - Failed to add replica for table: /apps/pipeline/data/replicatedStream DirectCopyInfo DC_NOT_SUPPORTED 2021-01-22 09:58:35,5813 ERROR Client fc/dbclient.cc:716 Thread: 2411 AddTableReplica failed, error Function not implemented(38)
- Open a New terminal, then run
You should see the EDGE dashboard reporting the replication status as 'ESTABLISHED':
- After requesting assets on the Edge dashboard, restart mirroring with
- Monitor DC files
Open a new terminal and run:
Stop ...
Start ...
After starting the instances you need to repeat the steps to run the demo.
./bin/terraform_destroy.sh # answer yes when prompted