Requirements | Compilation | Usage | Known Limitations | Citing | Example |
OGL is a wrapper for ginkgo solvers and preconditioners to provide GPGPU capabilities to OpenFOAM.
OGL has the following requirements
- cmake 3.13+
- OpenFOAM 6+ or v2106
- Ginkgo 1.5.0+ (It is recommended to install via OGL)
- C++17 compliant compiler (gcc or clang)
See also ginkgo's documentation for additional requirements.
For cuda builds cuda version 12 is recommended. For older cuda versions automatic device detection might fail, in this case please set the cuda architecture manually via -DOGL_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES
OGL can be build using cmake following the standard cmake procedure.
mkdir build && cd build && ccmake ..
By default OGL will fetch and build ginkgo, to specify which backend should be build you can use the following cmake flags -DGINKGO_BUILD_CUDA
. For example to build OGL with CUDA and OMP support use
Then, compile and install by
make -j && make install
If you have Ninja installed on your system we recommend to use ninja over gnu make for better compilation times. We also provide a list of Cmake presets which can be used a recent version of Cmake (>3.20). To display available presets use:
cmake --list-preset
The following example shows how to execute a build and install on a cuda system.
cmake --preset ninja-cuda-release
cmake --build --preset ninja-cpuonly-release --target install
After a successful build install make sure that the system/controlDict
includes the
or libOGL.dyLib
libs ("");
OGL solver support the same syntax as the default OpenFOAM solver. Thus, to use Ginkgo's CG
solver you can simply replace PCG
. In order to run either with CUDA, HIP, or OMP support set the executor
keyword to cuda
, hip
, or omp
in the system/fvSolution
Argument | Default | Description |
updateRHS | true | whether to copy the system matrix to device on every solver call |
updateInitGuess | false | whether to copy the initial guess to device on every solver call |
export | false | write the complete system to disk |
verbose | 0 | print out extra info |
executor | reference | the executor where to solve the system matrix, other options are omp , cuda |
adaptMinIter | true | based on the previous solution set minIter to be relaxationFactor*previousIters |
relaxationFactor | 0.8 | use relaxationFactor*previousIters as new minIters |
scaling | 1.0 | Scale the complete system by the scaling factor |
forceHostBuffer | false | whether to copy to host before MPI calls |
Currently, the following solver are supported
- CG
- BiCGStab
- IR (experimental)
additionally, the following preconditioners are available
- BJ, block Jacobi
- ISAI, Incomplete Sparse Approximate Inverses,
- ILU, incomplete LU (experimental)
- IC, incomplete Cholesky (experimental)
- Multigrid, algebraic multigrid (experimental)
The following optional arguments are supported to modify the preconditioner. Note some preconditioners like IC or (SPD) ISAI require positive values on the system matrix diagonal, thus in case of the pressure equation the complete system needs to be scaled by a factor of -1.0.
Argument | Default | Preconditioner |
SkipSorting | True | all |
Caching | 1 | all |
MaxBlockSize | 1 | block Jacobi |
SparsityPower | 1 | ISAI |
MaxLevels | 9 | Multigrid |
MinCoarseRows | 10 | Multigrid |
ZeroGuess | True | Multigrid |
Currently, the following matrix formats can be set by matrixFormat
- Coo
- Csr
- Ell (experimental)
- Hybrid (experimental)
Currently, only basic cyclic boundary conditions are supported, no AMI boundary conditions are supported. Block-coupled matrices are not supported.
If you are compiling against a double precision label version of OpenFOAM make sure to set
otherwise errors of the following type can occurundefined symbol: _ZN4Foam10dictionary3addERKNS_7keyTypeEib
When using OGL please cite the main Ginkgo paper describing Ginkgo's purpose, design and interface, which is available through the following reference:
author={Olenik, Gregor and Koch, Marcel and Boutanios, Ziad and Anzt, Hartwig},
title={Towards a platform-portable linear algebra backend for OpenFOAM},
author = {Anzt, Hartwig and Cojean, Terry and Flegar, Goran and Göbel, Fritz and Grützmacher, Thomas and Nayak, Pratik and Ribizel, Tobias and Tsai, Yuhsiang and Quintana-Ortí, Enrique S.},
doi = {10.1145/3480935},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software},
month = mar,
number = {1},
pages = {1--33},
title = {{Ginkgo: A Modern Linear Operator Algebra Framework for High Performance Computing}},
volume = {48},
year = {2022}
Below an animation of a coarse 2D simulation of a karman vortex street performed on a MI100 can be seen. Here both the momentum and Poisson equation are offloaded to the GPU.