create an excel-sheet out of Resource consumption info with Cloudspaces and VMs
by start and end date per account
you need a proper installed pythen3 environment, for modules see code
For accessing the OVC you need your credentials from IYO go to and copy your API key and put this values in environment variables
export CLIENT_ID="...." export CLIENT_SECRET="....."
Set this environment variables (example for October 2018)
export START=$(date -d '10/01/2018 00:00:01' +"%s") export END=$(date -d '10/30/2018 23:59:59' +"%s")
template file this will be copied to the target file and filled with data you can adjust you values (prices) in the "tab" param ( yellow fields)
export XLS_FILE_TPL="consumption_tpl.xlsx"
output file (example) export XLS_FILE="consumption_2018_10.xlsx"
List your accessible accounts
python3 List
python3 <account_id>
you can still adjust you prices!