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Welcome to DIS Agent

DIS Agent is a client-side program provided by the DIS to collect text logs and upload them securely to the DIS.

Getting Started


To get started using dis agent, you will need those things:

  1. JRE 1.8 +

Install DIS Agent

  1. Using Xshell, log in to the Linux server on which the DIS Agent will be installed.
  2. Upload the DIS Agent package to any directory, and use unzip to decompress
cd dis-agent-1.2.2

Configuring DIS Agent

  1. Run the following command to open the DIS Agent configuration file agent.yml. Modify parameters in the file according to actual needs.
vim conf/agent.yml
  1. Parameters in the agent.yml file
Name Description Default
region Region in which the DIS is located. Currently, only the cnnorth-1 region is available for selection. cn-north-1
ak User's plaintext AK. The My Credential page provides you the option to download your AK/SK file. -
sk User's plaintext SK. The My Credential page provides you the option to download your AK/SK file. -
projectId Project ID specific to your region. The My Credential page displays all ProjectIDs. -
endpoint DIS gateway address in the format of https://IPaddress:port number.
DISStream Name of the DIS stream to which files whose names match filePattern will be uploaded. -
filePattern Name of the files to be uploaded. Currently, files to be uploaded are searched only by file name. -
initialPosition Monitoring start position. Values: END_OF_FILE After the DIS Agent starts, it does not upload the files whose names match filePattern. Instead, file uploading starts from the newly added file or file content; START_OF_FILE All the files whose names match filePattern will be uploaded to DIS in ascending order of file modification time. START_OF_FILE
maxBufferAgeMillis The maximum number of milliseconds that must elapse before files can be uploaded to the specified DIS stream. l If the buffer is full with files waiting to be uploaded, files will be immediately uploaded to the specified DIS stream. l If the buffer is not full, files will be uploaded to the specified DIS stream after the specified number of milliseconds elapses 5000

Agent configuration Example

# cloud region id
region: cn-north-1
# you ak (get from 'My Credential')
ak: YOU_AK
# you sk (get from 'My Credential')
sk: YOU_SK
# you project id (get from 'My Credential')
# the dis endpoint
# config each flow to monitor file.
  ### DIS Stream
    ## only support specified directory, filename can use * to match some files. eg. * means match all file, test*.log means match test1.log or test-12.log and so on.
    filePattern: /tmp/*.log
    ## from where to start: 'START_OF_FILE' or 'END_OF_FILE'
    initialPosition: START_OF_FILE
    ## upload max interval(ms)
    maxBufferAgeMillis: 5000

Starting DIS Agent

Run the following command to start the DIS Agent:

bash bin/

If information similar to the following appears, the DIS Agent has started successfully.

Success to start Agent [xxxxx].

Stopping DIS Agent

Run the following command to stop the DIS Agent:

bash bin/

If information similar to the following appears, the DIS Agent is stopping:

Stopping Agent [xxxxx].....

In the command output, [xxxxx] indicates the process ID. If information similar to the following appears, the DIS Agent has stopped:

Stopping Agent [xxxxx]............. Successfully.