This repo contains documentation for the HugeRTE editor.
The simplest way to get started with HugeRTE is using a CDN:
<script src="">
Or install it manually via npm
or yarn
npm i hugerte
yarn add hugerte
You can also install it via composer:
composer require hugerte/hugerte
If you don't use an npm- or packagist-based package manager, you can also get the latest release as zip on the hugerte-dist GitHub tags page.
In this repo, we want to provide docs for HugeRTE that are freely usable. The text of this docs is licensed under the MIT license, but code snippets are licensed under the BSD Zero Clause license so you can quickly copy them into your project without worrying about attribution.
These docs are stil in an Alpha stage. You'll mostly have to check the TinyMCE 6 docs. We want to write the docs in our own words instead of forking the TinyMCE docs because the latter are licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA license which we don't want to use. See this informative line also.
When referring to the TinyMCE docs, make sure to replace all occurrences of tinymce
by hugerte
in your code.
See this guide also, but replace tinymce@^6
by hugerte@^1
(and of course, all occurrences of tinymce
by hugerte
Important links:
If you have been using TinyMCE before, you have to brute-force replace tinymce
by hugerte
in your code. In your package.json, make sure you use 1.0.4
as hugerte
version – not the one you used for tinymce
before. HugeRTE is based on TinyMCE 6.8.4, but it is even later because it contains some code from TinyMCE 7 (all until the commit which changed the license). See the Changelog for details.
- Vue integration: View the docs or repo.
- React integration: View the docs or repo.
- Angular integration: View the docs or repo.
Integrations for Svelte, Blazor, jQuery and Ruby on Rails are following.
You can bundle all required files from HugeRTE into your JavaScript bundle using ES6 module importing syntax and Vite. We're going to check support for other bundlers in the future, too. TinyMCE already provides docs for bundling but it has an issue with bundling skins that we fixed in HugeRTE 1.0.7. Going forward, bundling is the recommended way to include HugeRTE into your project. Make sure to outsource the HugeRTE imports into a separate chunk if you don't need HugeRTE on every page where you include your main bundled JS chunk.
Make sure you're using HugeRTE 1.0.7 or later so everything works.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to bundle HugeRTE in your project.
// Required parts
// The HugeRTE global. This must be before other HugeRTE imports.
import hugerte from 'hugerte';
// The following imports can be in any order.
// The DOM model
import 'hugerte/models/dom';
// The default icons. This is required, but you can import custom icons after it.
import 'hugerte/icons/default';
// The silver theme. Customization of the look and feel of HugeRTE should be done by custom skins while still using the silver theme.
import 'hugerte/themes/silver';
// The oxide skin (or you can use a custom one).
import 'hugerte/skins/ui/oxide/skin.js';
// The content skin provided by oxide (or a different skin you're using).
import 'hugerte/skins/ui/oxide/content.js';
// The default content CSS. This can also be replaced by a custom file if needed.
import 'hugerte/skins/content/default/content.js';
// Plugins are optional
// This should correspond to your `plugins` config in the object passed to `hugerte.init()`.
import 'hugerte/plugins/accordion';
import 'hugerte/plugins/advlist';
import 'hugerte/plugins/anchor';
import 'hugerte/plugins/autolink';
import 'hugerte/plugins/autoresize';
import 'hugerte/plugins/autosave';
import 'hugerte/plugins/charmap';
import 'hugerte/plugins/code';
import 'hugerte/plugins/codesample';
import 'hugerte/plugins/directionality';
import 'hugerte/plugins/fullscreen';
import 'hugerte/plugins/image';
// We'll have to investigate before recommending to use this one:
// import 'hugerte/plugins/importcss';
import 'hugerte/plugins/insertdatetime';
import 'hugerte/plugins/link';
import 'hugerte/plugins/lists';
import 'hugerte/plugins/media';
import 'hugerte/plugins/nonbreaking';
import 'hugerte/plugins/pagebreak';
import 'hugerte/plugins/preview';
import 'hugerte/plugins/quickbars';
import 'hugerte/plugins/save';
import 'hugerte/plugins/searchreplace';
import 'hugerte/plugins/table';
import 'hugerte/plugins/template';
import 'hugerte/plugins/visualblocks';
import 'hugerte/plugins/visualchars';
import 'hugerte/plugins/wordcount';
// NOTE: For the emoticons plugin, you'll need two imports:
import 'hugerte/plugins/emoticons';
import 'hugerte/plugins/emoticons/js/emojis';
// NOTE: For the help plugin, you'll need to import the localized keyboard navigation help
// even if it's in english.
import 'hugerte/plugins/help';
import 'hugerte/plugins/help/js/i18n/keynav/en.js';
// Whichever languages you need...
import 'hugerte/plugins/help/js/i18n/keynav/de.js';
// In the `hugerte.init({})` call, set `skin_url` and `content_css` to `default` to make sure the bundled ones are used.
selector: '#editor',
// Adjust this as needed
plugins: 'accordion advlist anchor autolink autoresize autosave charmap code codesample directionality fullscreen image insertdatetime link lists media nonbreaking pagebreak preview quickbars save searchreplace table template visualblocks visualchars wordcount emoticons help',
skin_url: 'default',
content_css: 'default',
Download the TinyMCE 6 language pack, extract the languages you need, open all the files of the languages you need and replace the tinymce
variable at the top by hugerte
. Then, follow the instructions by TinyMCE.
If you're bundling all HugeRTE assets into one file (as the section above demonstrates), you can import the languge file too.
Refer to the TinyMCE docs for now. Some links:
After you have integrated HugeRTE into your project and tested it, we'd like to kindly ask you to spend two minutes on completing the survey available at the HugeRTE homepage. You don't need to answer in full sentences. Your feedback is very important for us because it shows us the engagement of the community and tells us how we can improve this project and what's most important for you.