This is the code repository for paper: Chuan Hu, Huiping Cao: Aspect-level Influence Discovery from Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1 (March 2016).
Data link: ask for download link. Chuan Hu: [email protected]
Build project: ant
Command usage: java -cp infdetection.jar sampling.MainInfDetection -model <model: oaim, laim or cim> -chainNum <# of chains> -graphfile -datafile -samplerId -znum <# of topics> -anum <# of latent aspects> -burnin <# of burnin iterations> -numIter <# of total iterations> -concurrent -numThread <# of threads> -checkConsistence -debug -printThread -access
Before running the command, please create log folder and output folder by mkdir log; mkdir output
Example shell files:
- run CIM model on Citeseerx data set
- run OAIM model on Twitter50000 data set