Visualization prototype for reconstructed environmental markers (Ecofigs) in SEAD/Bugs CEP.
- To create a boilerplate for JavaScript applications focusing on the tool chain.
- Enable use of npm packages in browser applications (> 350 000 packages)
- Enable use of features in latest version(s) of JavaScript
- Use npm to simplify dependency management
- Simplify deploy using a bundler
- Enable code linting i.e. code analysis and error detection
- Enable use of task runners for minification, optimazation etc.
- Enable unit testing
A fully working live demo can be tested at http:// (demo currently offline)
These instructions will setup a local copy of the project for development and testing. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
Move to folder and install dependencies (node modules):
$ cd sead_ecofig_effigy
$ npm install
Do a full build of all assets. Note that the glTF-files are converted to glb-files.
$ npm run build:assets
Currently, the system uses static data found in ./geo2.json. Start the webpack-dev-server at port 8080.
$ npm run dev:server
You can also use any lightweight webserver that can serve static files from a folder.
If you have Python >= 3.4 installed you can start the http.server:
$ npm run python:server
Or you can install and start a lightweight node server:
$ npm install -g httpserver
$ npm run python:server
Test can be run in any web browser using the webpack-dev-server, or from the terminal (with Node.js). First you need to build the tests:
$ npm run test:build
Then start the (webpack) web server and opens a Mocha test page in the default browser with file watch and hot reload:
$ npm run test:server
The test results are now avaliable att http://localhost:8090/testBundle.
Create a release build:
$ npm run build:release
All necessery files now reside in the ./public folder. Copy these files to the web server (of your choise) and serve them as static resources.
Natural Earth II Natural Earth II with Shaded Relief, Water, and Drainages downloaded from here
Tiling (512x512) has been done with GDAL:
apt-get install gdal-bin
apt-get install python-gdal -v -s_srs EPSG:4326 -r bilinear -levels 4 -ps 512 512 -co "TILED=YES" -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" -targetDir pyramid/ NE2_HR_LC_SR_W_DR.tif
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details