Finds movies on your storage media such as HDD, pen drive, memory card, mobile storage and fetches the movie details from IMDb. It was never been so easy to explore movies from your local media and prioritize your watch-list by IMDb rating. MovieFinder comes handy for this and other jobs.
Clone this project and load in your favorite IDE as Gradle project. Before you run the project, you need to insert your storage media in your computer and then provide your storage media directory path for which you want to scan the movies, as specified in configuration section.
The root directory of your media storage needs to be specified against property media.root.path in file available at src/main/resources.
To run the program, the main() method is available in service class named MovieFinderService at src/main/java/com/hushensavani/moviefinder/service.
After configrations, when run main() method from MovieFinderService class, it will show output as following list of movies from your storage media sorted by IMDb ratings.
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