An analysis tool for the game of progressive chess.
To install Bucephalus, just type:
$ make install
Bucephalus is an interactive program that runs inside a terminal window. It prints an ASCII board followed by a prompt, and the user types in single letter commands to make moves or evaluate/solve positions. Type 'h' or '?' at the prompt to see a list of commands.
- Understands the rules of Scottish Progressive Chess, described here:
- Can print legal moves from any position ('l' command).
- Can show a game record ('r' command).
- Can solve a seriesmate of a specified length ('s' command). This can also solve for ghosts (series that force the opponent to deliver check with the first move of their series).
- Can evaluate a position given a specified ply depth ('e' command). Has two evaluation functions: one based on material differential, and one solely based on minimizing opponent material.
- Can run a series find with many criteria ('f' command) and combine this with the solve function to find series that consume a certain amount of material without getting mated or ghosted.
?/h: Print this help info
b: Go back one move
c: Show current score
d: Show current position
e: Minmax evaluator
f: Series finder
l: Show legal moves
m: Make a move
n: New game
p: Show position status
q/x: Exit Buce
r: Show game moves
s: Seriesmate solver
v: Show version information
- Author: Doug Hyatt